When Do You Need to Hire a Memphis Legal Malpractice Attorney?

We think that when we hire an attorney, we are doing the best thing and that we are using the legal system to achieve justice. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Sometimes the attorney we hired fails to handle our cases properly and ethically, which may cost us much pain, suffering and money.

Such is the case of Gloria Jones. On January 19, 2012, this Missouri woman filed a legal malpractice lawsuit against her St. Louis attorney in Madison County. Jones accused her former attorney of failing to properly represent her in her personal injury case.

She says that she had originally hired Scott Sherman in January 2006 to represent her in a personal injury claim. Allegedly, Jones was injured when an automatic door hit her in a Schnuck’s Market grocery store in 2004.

The plaintiff says that her lawyer failed to prepare for trial and did not communicate with her about her case. Jones alleges that she remained Sherman’s client until 2010, when he advised her to drop the case because of “problems” with it.

Jones says she later discovered that, in reality, her case had actually already been dismissed in January 2009. She alleges that her attorney failed to pursue the case, never attended the motion hearing and did not inform her of the case dismissal.

Jones further alleges that if her case had been heard at trial that she would have won and that the statute of limitations ran out without her knowledge, making it impossible to re-file her lawsuit. She places all the blame on her attorney and seeks over $50,000 in damages, plus legal costs. She has asked for a jury to hear the case.

If any of this sounds familiar, you, also, may have a solid Tennessee legal malpractice case. The Memphis legal malpractice attorneys at Bailey & Greer urge you to fight back if someone has abused your legal rights in Tennessee. Call us today, toll-free at 901-680-9777 to schedule a free case consultation.

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