When Defective Cars or Negligent Repairs Cause Tennessee Motor Vehicle Accidents: Experienced Memphis Personal Injury Attorney Discusses

We not only expect our vehicles to transport us from point A to point B, we also expect them to keep us and our families safe.  However, sometimes they don’t.  While driver error is the most common cause of Tennessee car accidents, there are situations where an automotive defect or negligent repair was either the cause of the accident or a contributing factor to injuries from the crash.

Manufacturing Defects and Defective Vehicle Parts

Every year, there are millions of cars recalled due to manufacturing defects or defective parts that can result in fatal car crashes.  In these types of cases, victims can file a product liability lawsuit against the car’s manufacturer.  The potential compensation from a lawsuit could help pay for medical expenses as well as pain and suffering.

Automotive parts are considered defective when they place the public at a greater risk of being involved in a vehicle accident.  Defective auto parts can include:

  • Accelerator controls that stick or break;
  • Brake systems that fail to work;
  • Car jacks that collapse, leading to injury;
  • Child safety seats that contain defective belts that injure or harm children;
  • Defective airbags that fail to deploy during an accident;
  • Engine cooling problems (that can cause fires);
  • Faulty wiring that may lead to loss of power or fire;
  • Fuel system complications (lead to fires during a crash);
  • Steering equipment that breaks suddenly;
  • Tires that crack or break (resulting in a blowout); and
  • Windshield wiper systems that do not operate correctly.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a Memphis car accident due to an automotive defect, it is important that the evidence is preserved.  If it is possible take pictures and video of the car after the crash.  Additionally, do not get the car repaired.  Rather, you should securely store it until a specialist can inspect the car for any defects.

Negligent Repairs and Mechanic’s Liability

Under Tennessee law, automobile mechanics have a responsibility to their customers.  Their duty is to insure vehicle repairs are properly performed and they are performed in accordance with current standards so motor vehicle accidents do not occur due to professional negligence.  However, should an auto mechanic fails to do so and a custom is injured as a result, the mechanic may be liable for damage or loss that can be attributed to the mechanic’s negligence.

There are three elements to a negligent repair action that need to be proven:

  1. It must be shown that the mechanic owed a duty to use ordinary and reasonable care.  In general, ordinary care is the care that a reasonable person would exercise under the circumstances.  Reasonable care can be defined as the amount of caution and concern for the safety of not only himself or herself, but also towards others that an ordinary prudent and rational person would use under the circumstances.  The nature of the repairs also determines the standard of care that is expected by mechanics.  Repairs on brakes, wheels, and steering can receive a higher standard of repair.
  2. It also must be proven that the mechanic was negligent, or careless, when performing repairs.
  3. There also must proof that the auto mechanic’s negligent repairs lead to the customer’s Tennessee car accident which caused injury, damage, or loss.  The mechanic’s negligence does not need to be the only cause of the consumer’s loss, but it must be shown that the negligent repairs were the main reason loss was sustained.

Here at Bailey and Greer, PLLC our Tennessee car accident attorneys understand how to effectively pursue your claims.  Our legal team has a proven track record of compassionately representing our clients injured in car accidents which is included in our testimonials page.  Please contact us today to receive your free case evaluation by dialing 901-680-9777.  Remember, you only have one year from the date of the accident to commence your action to recover compensation.

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