The Five Main Causes of Automobile Accidents in Tennessee

Car accidents, with few exceptions, are completely avoidable.  If all drivers exercised proper care while on the road, most, if not all, accidents would be eliminated.  After all, that is why they are called “accidents.”   There are a wide variety of causes of accidents; however, there are five items that cause far more accidents than any other.  Take note of what the top causes are.  If any of them apply to you, make a change.  Decide now to avoid an accident!

  1. Distracted Drivers

Distracted drivers cause more accidents than any other group.  There are a variety of things that distract drivers.  Some common causes of distracted driving are talking on the cell phone, changing the radio station, picking up something you dropped on the floor, reading, admiring the scenery, “rubbernecking,” and the most dangerous – texting.  Consider the following:

  • 77% of young adult drivers are very/somewhat confident that they can safely text while driving. (Ad Council, 2011)
  • Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that’s enough time to cover the length of a football field. (2009, VTTI)
  • A texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into a crash than a non-texting driver. (2009, VTTI).

Here is a simple rule to follow when it comes to texting and driving: Don’t do it!

  1. Driver Fatigue

The greatest risk for accidents caused by driver fatigue is between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. When you are too tired to drive, you have a hard time keeping your eyes open; you feel jittery; you yawn a a lot.  In addition, you are more likely to fluctuate your speed more frequently.

To avoid fatigued driving, get a good night’s rest before a big trip.  If you are experiencing fatigue while driving, pull over and take a nap.  You may even be able to cure the problem by getting out of the car and walking around a bit.  Whatever you do, do not risk causing a serious accident by trying to fight through it.  There is too much at stake for you and the other drivers on the road.

  1. Drunk Driving

Drunk driving causes hundreds of accidents every year in Tennessee.  Consider the following:

2011 Tennessee Alcohol-Impaired Driving Data

  • Total # Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities
  • Percent of Total Driving Fatalities Involving Alcohol-Impaired Drivers
  • # of Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities
  • Percent of Total Driving Fatalities Involving Under 21 Alcohol Impaired Drivers

Without a doubt, this is an easy accident to prevent.  Call a cab.  Call a friend.  Call anyone! If you have been drinking, do not get behind the wheel, as you can experience serious repercussions should you choose to take this risk.

  1. Speeding

Speeding reduces reaction time and can drastically increase the severity of injuries in an automobile accident.  It is better to get where you are going late, than not get there at all.  It is not worth risking serious injury – or your life.

  1. Aggressive Driving

Commonly called road rage, this menacing behavior causes a number of accidents every year.  Aggressive drivers tend to change lanes quickly, flash their lights at other drivers, tailgate, and engage in other driving behavior that is simply not safe.

If you experience road rage, find a way to calm down.  If you see another person driving aggressively, stay away from them.  Call 911 and report this type of driving to the police.

In conclusion, most car accidents are avoidable.  If you have been in an accident, call us today toll free at 901-680-9777 or locally at 901-680-9777 to start your first step to recovery. We will provide you with a copy of our free books and set up a free consultation to discuss your case.  You pay no fee unless we obtain a verdict or settlement.  Our Tennessee auto accident attorneys look forward to providing you with superior legal representation!

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