The Deadly Potential of Bus Accidents in Tennessee

On October 2, 2013, a horrific, fatal bus crash occurred in Jefferson County, Tennessee.  On this afternoon, a church bus carrying mostly senior citizens was traveling eastbound on I-40.  The bus experienced a tire blow out, causing it to travel across the median and strike a tractor trailer and a passenger car.  The tractor trailer caught fire.  The crash killed a total of eight people—six bus passengers, the driver of the tractor trailer, and one of the passengers in the passenger vehicle.  Fourteen others were injured, with four being airlifted to Tennessee hospitals and the remaining ten taken by ambulance.  The occupants of the bus were senior citizen members of the Front Street Baptist Church in Statesville, N.C., heading home after a attending a three day festival in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  The collision left the colossal bus stranded on its side, next to the flaming tractor trailer.  The ghastly accident terrified those who witnessed it and has left a wake of mourners in its path.

Bus crashes, although less common than automobile accidents, do occur regularly in Tennessee and nationwide.  The types of buses on the road today that are most often involved in accidents include: school buses, hotel shuttles, tour or charter buses, and road buses. There are over 841,993 registered buses in the United States.  Nationwide, over 13,000 buses are involved in accidents each year and hundreds of individuals die in such accidents.  Like tractor trailers, crashes involving buses can be extremely dangerous given the size and weight of buses when compared with your average passenger vehicle.

The following is a list of the most common causes of bus accidents:

  1. Distracted driving—distracted driving is a huge problem nationwide, but a particularly troubling problem for bus drivers, who are often responsible for a large number of lives, including those of children.  Bus drivers risk the lives of their passengers when they engage in behaviors such as: texting while driving, eating while driving, talking on their phones, glancing in rearview mirrors or otherwise becoming distracted, and programming or playing with navigation devices.  Just a few seconds of taking one’s eyes off the road can result in a catastrophic accident when you are driving something as large as a bus.  An experienced bus accident attorney can investigate the facts of your case and determine if distracted driving played a role.
  2. Bus driver fatigue—like tractor trailer drivers, bus drivers are frequently among the many fatigued drivers due to overwork or long hours on the road.  Despite regulations by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, not all bus drivers comply.  Driving while fatigued can have devastating results, and greatly increases ones likelihood of being in an accident.  Some bus drivers have begun using fatigue warning devices for this reason, but not all bus companies are utilizing these lifesaving alarms.  A knowledgeable bus accident attorney will take steps to investigate whether the bus driver involved in your accident was in violation of the HOS dictates.
  3. Faulty equipment—with today’s lagging economy and the high price of gas, some bus companies have begun cutting corners to save costs.  Sadly, one of the things most often neglected has become the purchase and maintenance of quality bus equipment.  Faulty equipment can cost many lives, as the blown tire did in the recent Tennessee crash.  A bus accident attorney can determine whether you were injured due to the negligence of the bus company in maintaining its equipment, or whether the bus manufacturer should be liable for its defective equipment.

It is vital that you contact a knowledgeable bus accident attorney as soon as possible after your accident.  Crucial evidence can be lost if not gathered immediately after the crash.  The law firm of Bailey & Greer has helped countless bus and auto accident victims throughout Tennessee.  This dedicated, hard-working firm comprised of auto and bus accident professionals will strive to obtain the recovery you deserve.  Call us today at 901-680-9777 for a free consultation.

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