Tennessee Stairway Safety: Avoid a Costly Fall

Over 15,000 deaths are caused each year by slips and falls. And, over eight million people are treated annually for fall-related injuries. In fact, falls are the leading cause of accidental injury in the United States, and one of the most common places to fall is the stairway.

Stairs that are poorly designed, badly lit, or left unrepaired are a recipe for disaster. Stairway safety is a serious subject that has been researched to find ways to help reduce the number of injuries and even fatal falls.

Here are some interesting facts and safety recommendations found in this research:

  • Most people only look down at the first and last three steps of a staircase, negotiating the middle section without looking. So, these steps are the most important in stair design.
  • Most serious injuries to the extremities – arms and legs – happen when going down a set of stairs. The tread depth must be very uniform and allow the ball of the foot to set firmly without extending over the edge.
  • Each and every step should be equal in a flight of stairs and the materials should be slip resistant.
  • Any run of stairs beyond 12 steps should be broken up by a landing.
  • Individual step lighting and colored (especially yellow) tread nosings are very helpful for people with poor vision.
  • Signs should be posted at waist height at the top and bottom of a flight of stairs, informing of their presence.
  • Short stairways are particularly dangerous, often leading to “air stepping”.
  • Railings and handrails are absolutely essential.

Perhaps you or a loved one has suffered a fall on a flight of stairs and noticed a safety hazard existed. If a serious injury occurred, you have the legal right to file a Tennessee premises liability lawsuit.

For more information and a free case consultation, contact a Middle Tennessee slip and fall lawyer. Bailey and Greer, in Memphis, have the experience, caring and aggressiveness to help you. Call us toll-free today at 901-680-9777 to discuss your options.

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