Tennessee Red Light Runners Are a Hazard to All

Never underestimate the extreme roadway danger at a Tennessee intersection and be especially aware of red light runners. According to the Federal Highway Administration, 20% of all roadway crashes happen at intersections – and, in 2008 red light runners caused 10% of all intersection fatalities.

Did you know that:

  • 762 Americans were killed in red light running accidents in 2008?
  • Red light runners injure an estimated 165,000 people each year?
  • 97% of all U.S. drivers see red light running as a serious safety threat?
  • One out of every three people say that they know someone who was injured or even killed in a red light runner accident?

Here are the rules of Tennessee “red light road safety” for all drivers:

  • Stay in your lane when approaching a red light and brake smoothly.
  • Come to a complete, full stop.
  • Leave enough distance between you and the car in front of you that you could easily pull around it if it should become disabled.
  • If you are the first in line at a red light, be sure to stop on the painted stop line and leave room for pedestrians to safely cross in the crosswalk.
  • When the light turns green, look carefully before proceeding. There are drivers who will speed up when they see the light turning, leading to potentially deadly car accidents.
  • Turning right on red is optional. You have the right to stay in the right turn lane and wait for the green light.

Knowing the rules of the road is important for all drivers. But following these rules could save your life.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Tennessee red light or other intersection-related accident, you may have a personal injury claim. To find out, please call Bailey & Greer toll free at 901-680-9777 to request a free case consultation. Our reputation as hard-working, successful auto accident attorneys in Tennessee, means that we will represent you with both integrity and skill.

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