Tennessee Motorcycle Deaths Rise In 2012

Picture from Chattanooga Times Free Press


2012 was a deadly year for motorcycle enthusiasts on Tennessee roadways.  In total, there were 1,019 fatalities involving a motor vehicle; up from 937 deaths in 2011.  151 of these deaths occurred in “District 4” which includes Crockett, Dyer, Fayette, Hardeman, Haywood, Lake, Lauderdale, Obion, Shelby, and Tipton counties.  The majority of those deaths, 90, occurred on Shelby County roads.  Even more alarming is that 138 of the deaths involved a motorcycle rider, which is 17 more than 2011.

As a new initiative this year by Tennessee state highway officials, motorists were reminded by signs along Tennessee interstates what the current death total was.  However, this grim safety reminder did not keep the death total from easily surpassing that of 2011.  While some accidents are inevitable no matter how safe a driver is, many can be avoided by following these tips provided by popular car publication Edmonds.com.  Regardless of whether you are a motorcycle driver, these ten tips will help ensure that all individuals on the road will remain safe.

  1. Avoid driving in the left “fast” lane: this is where the most accidents occur and driving in this lane also limits the driver’s ability to “escape” if there is a problem near them.
  2. Keep your eyes scanning the area ahead: avoid taking your eyes off the road or focusing on one object ahead of you.
  3. Beware of blind spots: adjust your mirrors to maximize your field of vision, but also physically turn and look when merging or making any other traffic movements.
  4. Keep your hands at the appropriate positions while steering: this gives you the maximum amount of control over the vehicle.
  5. Judge a driver by his/her car’s condition: if there is body damage, dirty windows, or drifting in and out of a lane of traffic, the driver may either have a history of not being an attentive driver or is not currently paying attention.
  6. Know your vehicle’s limits: know the limitations of your motorcycle and your limitations as a driver before hitting the road. If you are new to driving a motorcycle, do not hesitate or be embarrassed to go slow, or go to a low traffic area to practice driving.
  7. Keep your vehicle in good shape: don’t compromise your safety because you did not do something as simple and routine as proper vehicle maintenance.
  8. Avoid driving at night: while there is less traffic at night, there are also more distracted/exhausted drivers, which inevitably leads to more accidents.
  9. Consider driving training: consider taking a course that teaches you how to drive defensively or drive in certain situations.

No matter how careful you are, accidents are inevitable. If you or a loved one was involved in a motorcycle accident resulting in injuries or death, contact the experienced Memphis motorcycle accident attorneys at Bailey & Greer.  For a free consultation, call us in Memphis at 901-680-9777.


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