Tennessee Insurance Coverage to Change Without Knowledge

SB2271/HB2454 Insurance: Overturns Law Protecting Consumers

This legislation is on the Floor of the Senate tomorrow and the Floor of the House on Thursday.  Please contact your legislators and ask them to vote no to this bill.  To find your legislator click Here and then type in your zip code.

Bill Summary

  • This legislation allows insurance companies to use trickery to change policies without knowledge or consent.  Anyone who buys insurance will be equally harmed under this legislation – both businesses and consumers. 
  • If an insurance company puts a change to your policy in the fine print in a piece of junk mail and you do not see the change, or much less agree to it, the change to your policy can be binding by mere payment of your bill.  An automatic bill payment out of your checking account will be enough to allow them to completely change your policy. 
  • A contract is made when both sides reach an agreement, but this legislation allows insurance companies to decide what the contract is without your knowledge and without your agreement.  Insurance companies should not be allowed to change the rules in the middle of the game.
  • The U.S. insurance industry has trillions of dollars in assets, enjoys average profits of over $30 billion a year, and pays its CEOs more than any other industry.  This is just another example of how they still engage in dirty tricks and unethical behavior to boost their bottom line even further.

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