Sadler Bailey Writes Guest Column in the Memphis Commercial Appeal

We have written about the importance of having uninsured motorist coverage in Tennessee, as well as the unfair change in Tennessee insurance bad faith law elsewhere on this website.  We have also commented on the Kaitlynn Fisher story.  Today, The Commercial Appeal published a guest column I wrote on these subjects.  Below is an excerpt but you can read the entire column here:

Kaitlynn Fisher’s death in a car crash two years ago created a firestorm recently. Coverage by CNN, ABC, The Wall Street Journal and other media shocked many around the country. While her death was tragic, it was the conduct of her insurance company that prompted the outrage.

Fisher, a 24-year-old Johns Hopkins graduate, died after another driver ran a red light and struck her vehicle in Baltimore, Md. With a $25,000 liability policy, the other driver was underinsured. Fisher had a $100,000 policy to protect her from uninsured-underinsured drivers.

However, Progressive Insurance defended the at-fault driver in an attempt to avoid paying Fisher’s estate. Fisher’s brother garnered national attention when he responded with a scathing blog entitled, “My Sister Paid Progressive Insurance to Defend Her Killer in Court.”

Progressive’s behavior appalled many, but this happens every day. The Fisher case took place in Maryland. Yet the issues of uninsured motorists and bad-faith behavior by insurance companies are important to Tennessee consumers, especially those in Shelby County.

The Insurance Research Council has determined about 24 percent of Tennessee’s drivers are uninsured, which ranks Tennessee as third-highest in the nation. In Shelby County, where statistics on uninsured drivers are elusive, some estimate that as many as 50 percent of the motorists on the road have no insurance.

That means Tennessee drivers are more likely than others to find themselves in a dispute with their own insurance companies over an uninsured motorist claim.


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