Personal Injury Attorney Nicole Gibson Davison Featured in the Memphis Daily News

Today’s edition of the Memphis Daily News features an article about Bailey & Greer attorney Nicole Gibson Davison. Nicole joined Bailey & Greer in the fall of 2010 and focuses her practice in the areas of legal malpractice and personal injury.

To read the full article click here. Below is an excerpt:

What do you most enjoy about your work? This is the most clichéd lawyer answer, but I really do enjoy helping people. Right now, for instance, I am working on legal malpractice cases. When people hire an attorney, they assume they will be taken care of, but that is not always the case. Unfortunately, not all attorneys make good decisions. I get to work with lawyers who believe, as I do, that we should be held accountable just like any other profession. I also get to help people who have been injured twice – by their original grievance and by their attorney.”

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