Mothers May Be Injured During Cesarean Births
Sometimes, the person who is injured by a birth is the mother, not the baby. While parents are always relieved and joyful upon learning that their child has been born healthy, when a mother suffers an injury of her own while giving birth, it certainly casts a shadow over the whole experience.
Injuries can happen during both vaginal and cesarean births. With cesarean births, the injury risk is approximately the same for C-sections which were planned and those that were unplanned. Cesarean births are a surgical procedure that involves delivery of the baby via incisions in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. As with any surgical procedure, they carry a risk of injury. Some of the things that can happen when c-sections are performed improperly include infection, nerve injury, kidney damage and damage to the woman’s reproductive system. Because the incision is made close to the bladder and bowels, bladder and bowel injuries may occur, and temporary or permanent urinary and/or fecal incontinence may result.
If an incision is made incorrectly, blood loss can be severe and rapid. This can result in injury and even death, in cases where the flow of blood is unable to be controlled. In the event that an artery is severed, the woman’s uterus may need to be removed. This is not only painful physically, but emotionally, as well, as the decision to have a hysterectomy is usually an intensely personal choice that is made with much consideration ahead of time. When the decision is made by surgeons under emergency circumstances, the emotional scars that result can be far-reaching and long-lasting, especially if the woman had planned on having more children.
As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection at the incision site following a cesarean birth. There is also the risk that sponges and other surgical tools could be left inside of the incision site, which can cause infection and, in some cases, even death. Anesthesia and other medications used during cesarean births can cause allergic reactions and other adverse effects.
When a woman has a c-section, there is a risk that adhesions could develop. Adhesions are formations of scar tissue which can cause internal blockages or pain. In situations where a mother develops an adhesion after a cesarean birth, her future pregnancies may be adversely affected by the adhesion, which can cause things like placenta previa or placental abruption.
If you have suffered an injury as the result of a cesarean birth, it is important that you seek the assistance of a Tennessee Birth Injury Attorney. Your Tennessee Birth Injury Attorney can help you to pursue the recovery that you deserve as a result of the injuries that you have suffered, injuries for which the physical and emotional recovery may be lengthy and difficult. The dedicated Memphis Birth Injury Attorneys at Bailey & Greer, PLLC would like to learn more about your case. To learn more, call us at 901-680-9777 to schedule a time to discuss your case. At Bailey & Greer, PLLC, we are small enough to care, big enough to fight, and experienced enough to win.
Since graduating magna cum laude in 2005 from the University of Memphis School of Law, Thomas has helped make a difference in the lives of victims of serious personal injury, wrongful death, and professional negligence. Thomas has extensive trial experience in both state and federal court. Among other victories in the courtroom, Thomas obtained several impressive jury verdicts and settlements
Read more about Thomas R. Greer