Memphis Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Warn of Dangerous Curves

On May 28, 2014, a motorcycle went off of a road in North Nashville after coming out of a curve. The motorcycle tumbled down a steep embankment, taking its driver, twenty five year old Corey Hockett, with it. Hockett died on impact, and neither he nor his motorcycle were discovered until hours after the crash. His passenger, Sharita Johnson, was discovered by a passerby shortly before seven in the morning. She was on the side of the road, injured, bleeding, and unable to speak.

Several hours after Johnson was taken to the hospital for treatment of her injuries, officers returned to the location where she had been found to look for more information about what had happened to her. It was then that they discovered the motorcycle and the body of Mr. Hockett in the thick brush at the bottom of the embankment.

Curves in the road present a challenge for motorcycle riders. Even when roads are dry, many riders are killed or injured in accidents where they are unable to navigate a curve successfully. In fact, failure to navigate a turn is the second most common cause of motorcycle accidents, right behind crashes which are caused by other vehicles which fail to yield to a motorcycle which has the right of way.

Riders can increase their chances of making it through curves safely if they adjust their position within their lane to the curve that they are riding through. If you are riding through a curve which bends to the right, it is safest if you keep your motorcycle in the left part of the lane. Conversely, if the road curves to the left, position yourself in the right hand portion of your lane for increased safety and stability.

What you do with your head and your eyes as you navigate curves in the road is extremely important. Look at the place where you want to end up, at the point where the curve ends. Do not ever look at the yellow line, oncoming vehicles, or guardrails, no matter what.

Braking while riding through curves should be avoided whenever possible. Prevent situations which could cause you to feel as though you need to break as you go through a curve by approaching curves at a safe speed. If you must brake before the road straightens, do it slowly to avoid having an accident.

Alcohol is, unfortunately, a factor in many motorcycle accidents, including those which occur when a rider is unable to get through a curve safely. Alcohol slows your responses to everything, including road conditions, so it is easy to see where a slower response time could cause a rider to not slow down before the curve and instead attempt to reduce their speed as they are navigating the curve. Since alcohol reduces sensory input, a rider could easily brake too quickly as they go through a curve, with disastrous results.

Curves in the road can prove dangerous, and even deadly, for riders of all abilities and experience levels. If you have been hurt or if someone that you love has been killed in a motorcycle accident, seek help from an attorney right away. The experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at Bailey & Greer, PLLC are here to help you. We can answer your questions and explain your options. Once you decide how you wish to proceed with your motorcycle accident case, our attorneys will pursue the results that you deserve. To learn more, call us at 901-680-9777 to schedule a time to discuss your case.  At Bailey & Greer, PLLC, we are small enough to care, big enough to fight, and experienced enough to win.

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