What Should I Do If I’m in a Car Crash in Little Rock?
Anyone who is in a car accident needs to take certain steps to protect their health first. This includes arranging to be taken to an emergency room or waiting for the police to help them get to the ER. If physically able, there are other steps every driver should take to protect their legal rights and to ensure insurance companies won’t have information that can be used against them.
Legal requirements
If there is an accident that involves death or injury to someone or there was damage to the vehicle, then §27-53-101 and related sections require that the driver stay at the scene of the accident and provide appropriate information to the other drivers. They also need to wait for the police if they were contacted. Appropriate information generally includes name, address, license number, vehicle registration, and insurance information. Drivers should also help anyone who is injured such as by calling 911 for help.
- 27-53-202 requires that the driver of an accident that involves injury or death or apparent damage in excess of $1,000 contact local law enforcement.
The police should take information from everyone starting with any immediate health issues. They’ll do an initial investigation of the scene of the car accident. When they are finished with their investigation, they’ll prepare a police report.
Other legal requirements may apply.
Practical requirements
Some of the many steps drivers should take after a car accident include:
- Traffic safety. Drivers should help protect the scene by moving vehicles out of traffic if possible. It helps to put flashers on and to set up flares if you have them.
- Speaking with the police. Be honest with the police, but don’t guess or say you know things when you don’t. It’s okay to say you’re not sure.
- Take pictures or videos. If you have your cellphone with you, take pictures of the vehicles and the traffic scene. Also take pictures/videos of yourself. Accidents aren’t beauty contests. The pictures should show exactly what you looked like after the accident. If you can’t take pictures on the day of the accident, return as soon as you can to take pictures. Also, focus on including weather conditions in the picture/video if possible.
- Notify your insurance company. Most insurance policies require that you give your insurance company notice of the accident so they can also investigate the accident and start working on immediate issues such as repairs for your vehicle. If you are entitled to no-fault insurance, then your insurance company may be required to pay some of your initial medical bills and lost income.
- Do not speak with the insurance adjuster for the driver who hit you. Never speak with or try to settle your accident claim on your own.
- Call an experienced Little Rock car accident lawyer. It’s best to call your car accident attorney as soon as possible. The lawyer will advise you on the things you should and shouldn’t do, will begin to investigate your claim, will answer your questions, and will guide you through the litigation process.
At Bailey & Greer, PLLC, our skilled Little Rock car accident attorneys are highly respected by insurance adjusters and defense lawyers for our ability to aggressively fight for our clients. We work quickly to address your concerns and prepare your case. Many cases can be settled. When necessary, we’re ready to try your case before a jury. To discuss your car accident claim, call us at 501.213.1512 or use our contact form to schedule an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How Much Is My Little Rock Car Accident Worth?
- What Does “Loss of Enjoyment” Mean in a Car Accident Case?
- Dos and Don’ts for Dealing with Insurance Companies After an Accident
- Why Do Vehicle Accidents Harm So Many Children?
- Should I Get an OEM Endorsement for My Car Insurance?
- What Are the Most Common Types of Car Crash-Related Injuries?
- Can I Sue for Damages If I Am Partially Responsible for a Car Crash?

At Bailey & Greer, PLLC we do everything in our power to assuage those fears, and to help our clients find resolutions to their problems. Our Little Rock based law firm offers a wide variety of legal services to individuals and families throughout Arkansas. When you are hurt, you can trust the injury attorneys of Bailey & Greer.