What Is Placenta Previa?

Being pregnant, giving birth, and making plans to raise a child are supposed to be happy and joyous times in a person’s life. However, when pregnancy complications emerge, it can be difficult to enjoy these moments. It is your medical provider’s job to keep an eye out for any risks or potential complications as well…

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Most Likely Types of Nerve Damage from Car Accidents

One of the least talked about injuries after a car accident is nerve damage. Many people do not know or realize that they can suffer nerve damage after being in a collision, as this type of injury is not noticeable or able to be seen. However, nerve damage is very common, painful, and requires in-depth…

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The Importance of Early Recognition and Diagnosis of Sepsis

Sepsis is a very serious health condition that must be diagnosed and treated correctly and promptly. When this condition is not taken seriously or recognized quickly enough, individuals often experience organ failure, septic shock, or even death. Doctors must take the proper steps to successfully perform an exam and assess a patient’s symptoms to determine…

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Spinal Cord Injury and Secondary Health Complications

Many people do not know the full extent of spinal cord injuries. They may think that individuals who have this type of injury can heal within a few weeks or months. However, the truth is that spinal cord injuries often come with secondary health complications, making the individual’s life more complicated as well as emotionally…

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What Is Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)?

Discovering that your newborn has suffered a devastating birth injury, such as Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), can be a heartbreaking experience. These injuries, often caused by mishandling or oxygen deprivation during delivery, can have a profound and lasting impact on your child’s life. It is essential to hold the responsible doctors and hospitals accountable for the…

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How Poor Truck Maintenance Contributes to Accidents

Truck accidents can have various causes, and one prevalent factor is poor maintenance. Neglecting regular inspections and maintenance can leave the vehicle in poor working condition, posing risks to all road users. Inadequate maintenance not only endangers the truck driver but also puts other drivers and pedestrians in harm’s way. By failing to ensure the…

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Understanding Fault in Multi-Vehicle Accidents

Two vehicles crashing into each other is frightening and dangerous, but at least you have an idea of who to file a lawsuit against should they prove to be the negligent party. In multi-vehicle accidents, however, determining fault can be a complex task. With multiple vehicles involved, it becomes crucial to carefully assess the sequence…

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Birth Injuries and Erb’s Palsy: Causes and Treatment Options

Birth injuries are a distressing medical event that can occur during the delivery process, potentially leading to lifelong consequences for the child and emotional distress for the family. One such birth injury is Erb’s Palsy, a condition characterized by damage to the brachial plexus nerves, which can result in weakness or paralysis of the affected…

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What Is an Adverse Drug Event?

Human error occurs in all workplaces – it’s inevitable. Humans are not robots, and we are capable of making mistakes. However, what would happen if that mistake was irreversible? Human errors deal much more damage in certain industries compared to others, such as in medicine. When a person is harmed after taking medicine, it is…

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Why Truck Blind Spot Accidents Are So Deadly

Accidents involving regular passenger cars happen significantly more often than those involving trucks. However, that does not mean truck accidents don’t happen at all. When they do happen, the damage can be much, much worse. Trucks are so big that they can easily overpower a smaller passenger car. To put it into perspective, a regular…

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How Placental Injuries Lead to Birth Injuries

The placenta is an essential organ during pregnancy since it provides oxygen, nutrients, and waste removal for the developing baby. Part of the reason women have such strict prenatal care and receive ultrasounds so often during pregnancy is so that doctors can ensure the baby is healthy and growing at a normal pace, all thanks…

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What Do Truck Drivers Take to Stay Awake?

Driver fatigue is a major cause of fatal and catastrophic truck accidents. Many trucking companies push drivers to make as many deliveries as they can in as little time as they can. Often, this means drivers either need to drive faster or be on the road longer. The nationwide shortage of commercial truck drivers is…

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Why Do Vehicle Accidents Harm So Many Children?

As adults, we all know how fragile children can be. We hold them when they’re little as if they were glass, and we continue to care for them as they grow up and explore the world. But when some things are out of our control, it can be difficult to keep them under your protection.…

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Should I Get an OEM Endorsement for My Car Insurance?

After an auto accident, some parts of your vehicle may need to be replaced. While car insurance typically helps take care of these expenses, you may be surprised to learn that these parts are normally not from the vehicle’s original manufacturer. These parts will be obtained from other companies. Some individuals prefer to not have…

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What Is the Difference Between A Birth Injury and a Birth Defect?

When obstetricians, midwifes, and anyone involved in the birth or delivery of a newborn commit medical practice, the parents have the right to hold the negligent health providers liable for their medical malpractice. Medical malpractice generally requires that there be a doctor/patient relationship with the mother, that the doctor failed to use competent medical care,…

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What Are “Never Events?”

The phrase “Never Event” was first presented by Doctor Ken Kizer, a former National Quality Forum CEO. The term was introduced to describe some medical errors that simply should never ever occur. The list of events that should never happen has expanded over time to cover a range of medical actions and inactions. According to…

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Can I Sue a Hospital for My Injuries?

Medical mistakes often occur in hospital settings. The most common example is when a patient goes to the hospital for emergency medical care or to undergo a surgical procedure. Mothers use hospitals to deliver newborns which can result in birth injuries. Many people see their physicians at the hospitals. Hospitals also provide a variety of…

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