Amazon Warehouse Injury Lawyers in Little Rock

Amazon Warehouse Injury Lawyers in Little Rock

Strong advocacy for Arkansas warehouse workers and drivers

Amazon runs a fulfillment center in Little Rock Arkansas that hires more than 2,000 employees. Amazon also employs drivers to deliver inventory to the fulfillment center and to deliver the inventory to residential and business customers located throughout Little Rock. There is a downside to working for Amazon. There is a constant risk of being injured while unloading, moving, sorting, loading, and delivering the inventory. At Bailey & Greer, PLLC, our Little Rock injury lawyers understand when you can file a claim against Amazon, a manufacturer, or a third party. We’ve obtained more than $300 million for our clients. We’re ready to help you today.

How can we help?

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How common are Amazon workplace injuries?

According to CNN, Amazon employed 1/3 of all warehouse workers in the US in 2021 and was responsible for nearly half of all warehouse injuries. The analysis is based on a report by the Strategic Organizing Center (SOC), a coalition of four labor unions. The SOC found that there were more than 38,000 injuries at Amazon facilities in 2021. Nearly 90% of those injuries were considered serious, causing the worker to miss time from work. The report found that there were 6.8 serious injuries for every 100 Amazon warehouse workers compared to 3.3 per 100 workers for non-Amazon warehouse workers.

In Amazon’s home state, the Washington Department of Labor and Industries in 2022 fined Amazon and issued a “willful severe” citation because Amazon knowingly put “its workers at risk of serious injuries in violation of workplace safety laws.”

What jobs are available at the Little Rock Amazon warehouse?

Amazon’s five-story fulfillment center in Little Rock requires a lot of workers to keep it running 24/7. Those workers, according to Warehouse Ninja, are employed as:

  • A picker, per the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, puts orders together for customers “in one of the 1,000 yellow bins that flow through the massive conveyor system that snakes through the building.” The picker removes items from shelving units (pods), places them in carts, and sends the carts to packers.
  • Stowers. This job involves receiving items that are shipped and placing them in storage pods. In some centers these jobs are done by robots.
  • Packers. These are the workers who put shoppers’ orders together. They put the warehouse items into containers and send the containers to the shipping trucks.
  • Waterspiders. These folks are jacks of all trades. They run products around, build boxes, and generally replenish any missing resources. They may need to use heavy equipment like forklifts or pallet jacks to complete their jobs.
  • Problem solvers. This job involves troubleshooting – finding missing items, managing unscannable items, and handling items with faulty barcodes. They’re like living “lost and found” departments.
  • Inventory and QA associates. These workers handle inventory, and make sure everything that’s supposed to be in one place is in that place.
  • Ship dock workers. These folks scan the boxes and packages that come down a conveyor belt. They may help load the trucks at some locations.
Thomas Greer Memphis Personal Injury Lawyer

What types of accidents happen at Amazon warehouses in Little Rock?

Working at warehouse centers involves a lot of manual labor. Many accidents are due to overstress and overexertion. Our Little Rock Amazon warehouse injury lawyers represent folks injured in/by:

  • Slip and fall/trip and fall accidents. The floors at Amazon warehouses are routinely wet due to spills and oils. There are loose cables and wires that run the equipment and communication systems. The inventory is almost certain to spill or drop on a regular basis. Rain, mud, and debris are regularly tracked in from outside. It’s usually not a question of – if a worker will fall – but when will a worker fall.
  • Machinery and equipment accidents. It’s common for Amazon warehouse workers to collide with forklifts and other machines, to be run over or pinned by machines, or injured when a machine, equipment, or tool malfunctions.
  • Falling objects. The shelves are packed with inventory. Workers can suffer neck, back, shoulder, and head injuries when an inventory item falls.
  • Toxic exposure. Many Amazon workers work with dangerous chemicals. Exposure can cause skin disorders and respiratory ailments, among other long-term injuries.

What types of Amazon warehouse injury cases do you take?

Our Little Rock warehouse injury lawyers are experienced personal injury lawyers. We have the experience and medical relationships to handle all types of Amazon fulfillment center injuries including:

Our lawyers also represent families when a spouse, parent, or child dies in a Little Rock Amazon warehouse accident.

Can I file a personal injury claim if I’m hurt while working at an Amazon fulfillment center?

You can file a personal injury claim if you are an independent contractor. Even though you wear Amazon’s clothing and use their tools, you still may qualify as a contractor. Our Little Rock personal injury lawyers will explain what type of worker you are – a contractor or an employee.

All employees and contractors can file a product liability claim if a forklift, lifting tool, electronic tool, or any other type of tool or equipment is defective and that defect causes an accident.

The responsibility of truck drivers and trucking companies

Amazon delivery drivers can file a claim against Amazon if they are a contractor. Amazon employees can file a claim against a trucking company that causes an accident if that trucking company operates independently of Amazon (the trucking company is not an Amazon employee).

If you are not an Amazon employee (a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or bicycle rider), you can file a claim against Amazon if you are injured by an Amazon truck driver. Amazon drivers do cause accidents because they speed, they’re distracted, or for many other reasons.

Related: Little Rock Amazon Truck Accident Lawyers

How much is my warehouse injury claim worth in Tennessee?

Our Little Rock Amazon warehouse injury attorneys understand how life-changing injuries are. We skillfully review all your damages. We demand compensation for all your current and future:

  • Medical expenses including ER care, hospital care, doctor visits, surgeries, rehabilitative care, medications, and assistive devices
  • Lost income and benefits – for as long as you can’t work
  • Physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Inability to use a body part
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Property damage

Bailey & Greer files wrongful death claims if a loved one dies due to workplace negligence or a defective product. Wrongful death damages include the funeral and burial costs, financial losses, and personal damages including the inability of your loved one to provide comfort, love, support, and guidance.

How can Amazon fulfillment centers prevent workplace injuries?

There are steps Amazon should take to protect its workers. These safety precautions include:

  • Providing the workers with reliable and ergonomically safe machines, tools, equipment, and robotic devices
  • Ensuring that the workers have routine rest breaks
  • Ensuring that there are enough workers so that workers don’t overexert themselves
  • Rotating the work so workers minimize the risk of repetitive stress injuries
  • Inspecting the equipment, machines, tools, and technology on a regular basis
  • Taking defective machines, tools, and equipment off the floor
  • Providing quality safety gear for the workers
  • Training workers on workplace safety
  • Getting employee feedback

Do you have a Little Rock Amazon warehouse injury lawyer near me?

Bailey & Greer meets clients at our Little Rock office located at 15 N McKinley Suite #250-J 10 E. Broughton Street. We meet workers who are physically unable to come to our office at their homes or nearby healthcare facilities. Our lawyers also conduct consultations by phone and through online conferences.

We’ll explain your rights and pursue your third-party injury claim.

Speak with an accomplished Little Rock Amazon warehouse injury lawyer today

Bailey & Greer, PLLC has been fighting for personal injury victims for nearly 40 years. We have obtained numerous verdicts and settlements for more than $1 million. We’ll explain if you are eligible to file a personal injury claim or whether you must file a workers’ compensation claim. Our lawyers work with your doctors and our network of physicians to fully understand the severity of your injuries, your pain and suffering, the medical care you need, and when and if you’ll ever be able to return to work.

To schedule a free consultation with one of our Little Rock Amazon warehouse injury attorneys, please call us or complete our contact form. We also have offices in Memphis and Jackson.