It’s important to hire an attorney after a tractor-trailer wreck for lots of reasons. The first reason is that tractor-trailer wrecks are more likely to seriously injure somebody because of their weight and their size and their speed. You’re talking about an 80,000 thousand pound vehicle out on the roadway, so even at slow…
Read MoreUnfortunately, we see truck wreck cases all the time that are caused by a speeding truck driver. And the sheer damage that can be done by these 18-wheelers on the roadway is pretty horrific. When they’re fully loaded, they’re 80,000 pounds – and it doesn’t take much for them to do a lot of catastrophic…
Read MoreA wrongful death claim is commonly filed on behalf of the deceased by his or her loved one. The claim may be filed when the deceased individual would have still been alive had it not been for the negligence of another individual or multiple individuals. The compensation received is often used to cover burial expenses…
Read MoreWell, the common things that we see in our practice are fatigue, and that could be the result of drivers driving too many hours, violating the Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations. We see lack of training. Oftentimes, the trucking companies have an incentive to get drivers out on the road, and they don’t do a…
Read More We handle a lot of cases involving fatigued truck drivers. There’s lots of reasons that truckers will get out on the road being fatigued. There are federal regulations that require them to get a certain amount of rest, a certain amount of breaks in their shift, but often times they don’t comply with the…
Read MoreUnless it’s a very minor incident, then definitely you are going to need a lawyer for a motorcycle wreck. Just by the nature of the size of the motorcycle, often times these wrecks are catastrophic, and the injuries are very serious, and the stakes are high. And so, you’re going to need a lawyer to…
Read MoreDump trucks are often used at construction sites and road repair sites to transport gravel, dirt, sand, and waste. They’re operated through a hydraulic system that allows the bed to dump materials to the ground by lifting the front of the bed. There are different types of dump trucks including traditional dump trucks, semi-trailer dump…
Read MoreWhen tragedy strikes and a family member is killed as a result of someone else’s negligence, it can be impossible to focus. Your first priority is honoring your loved one and providing a respectful funeral. Unfortunately, decisions about filing legal claims need to be made fairly quickly. Investigators need to analyze the cause of the…
Read MoreIn Tennessee, as in all states, car insurance is a key factor involved in any claim for damages filed after a traffic accident. According to the Tennessee Financial Responsibility Law, car owners must prove their ability to pay for financial losses if they are responsible for a car crash. Financial responsibility for losses resulting from…
Read More What are the benefits of settling a case out of court? Well, the immediate benefit is that your case is over, and you have accepted an amount of money – whether you’re satisfied with it or not – but the case is over, and you get money to resolve your case. Whereas, if you…
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