Let it Snow! 4 Tips to Help You Avoid Memphis Snow Driving Car Crashes

The Christmas bells are jingling and the inflatable snow men are popping up in front yards. Will we get snow this year?  I don’t know, but I do know that if we get wintery weather, we’ll get Memphis car wrecks.

The safest choice is always to stay home during a winter storm, but sometimes you have to travel. The kids need to be picked up, Grandpa needs his medicine, or you have to get to work. These tips from our Memphis accident attorneys will help you stay safe while driving in the snow:

  1. Make sure your tires are properly inflated and have enough tread. It’s easy to skid on snowy, slushy, icy roads even with good tires. If you have bald tires, your chance of an accident greatly increases. Make sure you have at least 6/32 inch of tread to provide enough traction.
  2. Make sure that you can see.Snow and sleet can reduce visibility. To help you see, replace worn windshield wiper blades and use an anti-icing windshield washer fluid. Another good idea is to apply a water-shedding product, like Rain-X, to your windows and mirrors.
  3. Be seen. Remember that other drivers are also having trouble seeing. Always use your lights when it snows. If your lights are covered with snow, brush them off.
  4. Know how to brake. If your car has an antilock braking system (ABS), use the stomp, stay, and steer technique. Apply the brakes with full constant pressure until you hear a crunching sound. Keep your foot on the brake and steer away from a potential accident.  If you don’t have ABS, you should pump the brakes by repeatedly pressing the brake pedal until the wheels stop rolling and then release the brake immediately.

Wintertime car accidents can be very dangerous. Knowing how to prevent a Memphis bad weather accident may save your life.

If you have been injured in a Memphis winter weather accident, our book, Every Step You Take Matters After a Tennessee Auto Accident: Tips for Injury Victims, can help you protect your injury claim. To discuss your Tennessee accident case with a Memphis car accident attorney, contact Bailey & Greer at 901-680-9777.

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