Judge Overturns Sadler Bailey’s 60 Day Suspension

Judge Paul A. Summers reversed a decision by the Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility ("TBPR"), which suspended Sadler Bailey for 60-days.  The suspension stemmed from “disrespect and sarcasm” that Bailey showed in comments to Circuit Court Judge Karen Williams during a medical malpractice trial in 2008.  During the trial, Bailey called the defense lawyers liars and told the Judge that she was on pace to "set a world record for reversible error."  Summers found that TBPR misapplied the law and abused its discretion in suspending Bailey and found that a public repremand was appropriate. 

Bailey, who has practiced law for nearly 30 years said,

I haven't done anything wrong.  This case was about a blind, 37-pound, 9-year-old girl. I was fighting as hard as I could for that child under very difficult circumstances. I am not remorseful. The judge’s incompetence was causing harm to my client, and I stood up to a judge who wasn’t competent enough to handle this case.  I was trying to make the Judge to the right thing.

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