How to Choose a Safe Vehicle for Your New Driver

It is well established that automobile accidents are a leading cause of death among American teenagers. Driving is a skill that requires constant attention, and it is also a skill which takes quite a bit of time to master. While many of the accidents that new drivers are involved in are minor fender-benders, there are others which are serious and even some that are fatal. Since there is a good chance that your young driver will be involved in an automobile accident at some point early on in his or her driving career, it makes sense to help them choose a car that will keep them as safe as possible during a crash.

Most young drivers drive used cars, whether they buy them on their own or with the assistance of their parents. Unfortunately, this can put young drivers at a disadvantage because many older cars lack some of the safety features that are standard on newer models. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the two most important features that young automobile buyers and their parents should look for are electronic stability control (ESC) and high ratings in crash test results.

Electronic stability control has been shown to reduce the risk of death or serious injury by approximately the same amount as wearing a seat belt. This means that by driving a car with electronic stability control, a young driver can reduce his or her chance of dying in a car accident by about one third. ESC works by helping a driver maintain control of the vehicle by automatically detecting loss of traction and helping the vehicle to regain traction by automatically “steering” the vehicle by applying the brakes in a strategic manner.

When you look at crash test data, look for results from a variety of different tests. A vehicle that earns high marks for roof strength may have good test results across the board, but then, again, it may score low in other important impact categories like front and side impact protection. It is important that you consider the entire vehicle when you think about how well it has performed in crash tests, because you have no way of knowing which way that vehicle will be “tested” when you or your teen is driving it and there is an accident.

Fortunately, there are safe, used vehicle options available in a variety of price ranges. Some of the vehicles that have been identified as safe choices by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety can be purchased for under ten thousand dollars. A few even have prices of four to five thousand dollars, such as the Saab 9-3 and the Volkswagen Passat. If choosing a vehicle from a list is not really your thing, there are a few general recommendations that can steer you and your young driver towards a safe used car. Staying away from vehicles with high horsepower is a must, as powerful engines can promote dangerous driving habits and risk-taking behavior. Size does matter, and bigger, heavier vehicles provide more protection to the driver and other occupants during a crash. Finally, checking a vehicle thoroughly to make sure that it is in good working order is the best way to make sure that your young driver will not get into a wreck because their brakes failed, or because of some other mechanical difficulty that occurred as they were driving.

The knowledgeable Memphis Automobile Accident Attorneys at Bailey & Greer, PLLC offer top quality legal assistance to automobile accident victims and their families. Please call us at 901-680-9777 to schedule a time to discuss your case.  At Bailey & Greer, PLLC, we are small enough to care, big enough to fight, and experienced enough to win.

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