Give the Gift of Attention This Holiday Season

     The holiday season is a time that people surround themselves with loved ones, so it is no surprise that nursing homes experience an influx of visitors during December.  While you should look for signs of nursing home abuse and neglect every time you visit your loved one, the holidays are an especially good time to ensure that the resident’s needs are being met.  

     Because the holiday season can cause financial strain on individuals with lower income, you should be diligent during this time of the year in tracking the resident’s finances and belongings.  Unexplained financial transactions or expensive items that go missing are red flags that should not be ignored.  If you suspect that the resident’s bank account or personal belongings are being compromised, consult with an attorney or report the facility to the Tennessee State Ombudsman at 877-236-0013.

     While nursing home staff may experience added stress to their jobs as a result of increased visitors during the holidays, you should always be cognizant of staff members that are rude, hateful, or curt with you or the resident.  Additionally, you should always have time alone with your loved one.  Anyone that prevents you from having quality time alone with the resident should be reported. 

      As always, be mindful of changes in your loved one’s behavior, such as listlessness, depression, fear of being left alone, and anxiety.  These are all signs of abuse and/or overmedication.  If you notice your loved one exhibiting any of these traits, be prepared to seek the services of an experienced attorney.  Protecting the rights of your loved one might be the most important gift you give this year. 

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