Diabetes Drug, Actos, Under Fire for Serious Dangerous Drug Side Effects

In an April 2012 news release, the San Francisco Chronicle details the dangers and recent litigation surrounding the diabetes drug, Actos. According to the Chronicle, a whistleblower lawsuit against Actos manufacturer, Takeda Pharmacies, is being heard in the U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts by Judge F. Dennis Saylor.

This lawsuit names Helen Ge as plaintiff. Ge, a former employee of Takeda Pharmaceuticals, was employed as a medical reviewer. She alleges that Takeda executives tried to get in-house medical reviewers to alter their opinions on the dangerous side effects of Actos.

These side effects are, allegedly, the potential for acquiring bladder cancer and heart failure as a result of taking the drug. Ge says that when she refused to comply with her employer’s request, she was fired.

Actos is a type-2 diabetes drug that is designed to increase diabetes patients’ sensitivity to insulin. Approved for public use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1999, but has recently come under scrutiny for its alleged dangerous drug side effects.

In September 2010, the FDA announced a safety review of the drug. In June 2011, the FDA released a statement that, “the use of the diabetes medication Actos for more than one year may be associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer.”

In addition, Actos has been the subject of study for its adverse effects on the heart. In a study published by the British Medical Journal in 2010, Actos was linked to dangerous heart problems.

Currently, a multidistrict litigation against Takeda Pharmaceuticals is being heard in a Louisiana U.S. district court.

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