Coach Fisher Renders Aid to Victims of Brentwood, TN Car Crash
Jeff Fisher, 17-year veteran coach of the Tennessee Titans, was on his way home in Brentwood, Tennessee, just days after he was hired as head coach of the St. Louis Rams. Fisher saw a car leave the road, hit a telephone pole and flip over. He stopped immediately to help. The accident happened Sunday evening, January 14, 2012, on Holly Tree Gap Road.
He and other passing motorists found two teenagers at the scene of the serious accident. The 17-year-old driver of the Nissan Altima was treated and released, but his 14-year-old passenger did not fare as well. He was rushed to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital where he was listed in critical but stable condition.
Fisher, who was interviewed by telephone after the accident by the local ABC news channel, said that he saw the wreck happen and pulled over. He and other concerned motorists stayed with the crash victims until emergency personnel arrived on the scene.
The segment of Holly Tree Gap Road where the accident occurred is a particularly dangerous one. There is no shoulder on that stretch and both sides drop off.
According to Brentwood Police Sgt. Jeff Moorehead, the cause of the crash has not been determined, but other authorities say there was no sign of either drugs or alcohol. Moorehead did say that speed might have been a factor.
Moorehead added that he greatly appreciated the actions of Jeff Fisher and the others who stopped to help. “Anything to calm them down and advise us while we are on the way helps everyone,” he said.
The middle Tennessee auto accident attorneys at Bailey & Greer wish the injured teens a speedy and complete recovery.
Since graduating magna cum laude in 2005 from the University of Memphis School of Law, Thomas has helped make a difference in the lives of victims of serious personal injury, wrongful death, and professional negligence. Thomas has extensive trial experience in both state and federal court. Among other victories in the courtroom, Thomas obtained several impressive jury verdicts and settlements
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