Premises Liability
Sadler Bailey Files Federal Lawsuit on Behalf of Legionnaires Victim in Memphis
On August 27, 2016, Marlene Casas stayed at the La Quinta Inn & Suites on Millbranch Road, in Memphis; she was here to visit Graceland, as so many tourists do each year. Three days after her stay, Ms. Casas started to feel unwell. Her illness turned out to be Legionnaires’ disease, and it led to…
Read MoreProperty Owner Negligence in Memphis Can Cause Serious Injury
When you’re on the property of a business or an individual, you expect to stay safe. But when the property owner’s negligence results in you unexpectedly suffering a severe injury, the consequences that follow can be difficult to take. Lost income, medical bills and increased stress are just a few of the problems you now…
Read MoreWhat to Expect in a Tennessee Premises Liability Lawsuit
When you are seriously injured on someone else’s property in Tennessee, you may have a premises liability lawsuit . When you have determined that the landowner was negligent, decided to pursue the case, and found a good lawyer to represent you, you may have many questions about what will happen next. Here is an explanation…
Read MoreUnderstand the Types of Damages that are Available to Victims of Landlord and Property Owner Neglect
There are many different ways you can be injured by the negligence of a landlord or property owner. When this happens, you are entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Your chances of recovering money in a premises liability case depend on the facts of each case and will also…
Read MoreCheap Management Companies Often Overlook Aluminum Wiring Hazards
In the late 1960s and early 1970s an estimated two million homes, including apartments, were built or renovated using aluminum wiring. A U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission report investigated numerous hazardous incidents and fires throughout the nation involving aluminum branch circuit wiring. Homes with aluminum branch circuit wiring are 55 times more likely to have…
Read MoreProperty Owner/Operator Liability Requires Notice of the Dangerous Condition on the Premises
Premises liability requires the owner/operator to have knowledge of the dangerous condition prior to the injury occurring. If you have suffered an injury due to a dangerous condition on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to recover damages for your injuries. A Memphis personal injury lawyer can assist you in determing whether you have a case…
Read MoreTennessee Premises Liability: Slip and Fall Accidents and You
One of the most common ways you can be injured is in a slip and fall accident. One minute you are going about your business, and the next, you are on the ground. If you are lucky, you are not injured and just pick yourself up and move on, hoping not too many people saw…
Read MoreTennessee Stairway Accidents Can Cause Serious Injury
We have all done it at least once in our lives. We head up – or down – a flight of stairs and suddenly find ourselves in a heap on the ground. If we were lucky, we were uninjured and simply a bit embarrassed. But sometimes falling on stairs can result in serious injuries. And…
Read MoreTennessee Slip and Fall Accidents Often Result in Spinal Cord Injuries
Of the many kinds of Tennessee premises liability cases we see, slip and fall accidents can cause the most serious injuries. And when these falls cause injury to the spinal cord, the consequences can be both serious and long lasting. As Memphis premises liability attorneys, we know how devastating a spinal cord injury can be.…
Read MoreFive Ways to Injure Your Knees in a Tennessee Slip and Fall Accident
How often do you think about your knees? Before your Tennessee slip and fall accident, you may have wondered why anyone would even think to ask that question. Now that you’ve injured your knee, you truly appreciate how much of a role knees play in your daily life. Regardless of the type of knee injury…
Read MoreYour Responsibility to Protect Customers and Social Guests During the Holidays
As the holidays rapidly approach, many people neglect to focus on the duty owed to their customers and social guests. However, in Tennessee, a business owner or host owes a duty to warn customers or social guests of dangerous conditions that the person knows or should know of. Many people decorate their homes and businesses…
Read MoreProperty Owner/Manager Liability in Tennessee Apartment and House Fire Cases
Rental properties, especially those in metropolitan areas such as Memphis, are oftentimes neglected in a variety of ways that can result in a fire. When a fire occurs in a house or apartment that an individual is leasing, the owner, and possibly the manager of the premises, may be liable for damages incurred as a…
Read MoreLiability in Tennessee Drowning Deaths
With spring right around the corner in Tennessee, many individuals, businesses, and organizations will soon be opening up their pools. Although a pool is a great way to avoid the unbearable Memphis heat, it can also be extremely dangerous. Before a pool is opened, it is important to consider the safety of pool occupants. In…
Read MoreLawsuit Filed Against 24 Hour Fitness Following Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak
Lawsuit Filed Against 24 Hour Fitness Following Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak Thomas GreerSince graduating magna cum laude in 2005 from the University of Memphis School of Law, Thomas has helped make a difference in the lives of victims of serious personal injury, wrongful death, and professional negligence. Thomas has extensive trial experience in both state and federal court. Among other victories in…
Read MoreLawsuit Filed Against Kroger and Belz in Memphis, TN
Lawsuit filed against Kroger and Belz in Memphis, Tennessee over a shooting at the Southgate Shopping Center. Central Defense also named as a defendant. Read More Here Thomas GreerSince graduating magna cum laude in 2005 from the University of Memphis School of Law, Thomas has helped make a difference in the lives of victims of serious personal injury, wrongful death,…
Read MoreLawsuit filed against Kroger and Belz in Memphis, Tennessee
View the Lawsuit filed against Kroger and Belz in Memphis, Tennessee Thomas GreerSince graduating magna cum laude in 2005 from the University of Memphis School of Law, Thomas has helped make a difference in the lives of victims of serious personal injury, wrongful death, and professional negligence. Thomas has extensive trial experience in both state and federal court. Among other victories…
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