Auto Accidents
How Are Medical Bills Paid After a Car Accident Settlement?
After being involved in a car accident, there are two things you are concerned about: how you will recover from your injuries, and how you will pay for your recovery. There is no such thing as an inexpensive car accident. Even a simple fender bender accident can result in thousands of dollars in medical expenses.…
Read MoreWhat Kind of Car Insurance Do I Need?
In Tennessee, as in all states, car insurance is a key factor involved in any claim for damages filed after a traffic accident. According to the Tennessee Financial Responsibility Law, car owners must prove their ability to pay for financial losses if they are responsible for a car crash. Financial responsibility for losses resulting from…
Read MoreThomas Greer Obtains $450,000 Verdict against Belz Investco GP in Memphis for Client Injured in Car Crash
On March 28, 2018, Bailey & Greer partner Thomas Greer obtained a jury verdict for $450,000. The case stemmed from a crash that occurred on Interstate I-40 in Memphis, TN. The driver of an SUV was pulling a flatbed trailer and had recently unloaded a small tractor. The driver neglected to secure or remove the…
Read MoreDangers of Driving on Under-Inflated Tires
Driving on under-inflated tires is dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, almost 1/3 of passenger cars, light trucks and SUVs are being driven with at least one under-inflated tire. Under-inflation is one of the leading causes of tire failure. If tire pressure is too low, too much of the tire’s surface area…
Read MoreIs There a Link Between Energy Drinks and Drunk Driving Crashes?
The market for energy drinks seems to be teens, college students, and young professionals trying to get through the daily grind. Most people think these drinks are relatively harmless, or if not harmless, at least no more dangerous than a soft drink or a cup of coffee or tea. However, some college students are using…
Read MoreThe Best Things to Do after a Tennessee Auto Accident
Every day we hear about, read about, or even see car accidents. But until it happens to us, we do not stop to think what we should do if we are involved in a Tennessee car crash. Knowing the best steps to take after an accident can prevent legal problems, avoid further injury, and even…
Read MoreAuto Accident Experts are Right Here in Memphis, Tennessee
Your life can be forever altered in just a split second. And even worse, it can be through no fault of your own. If you or a loved one have been the victim of an auto accident, the medical bills, lost income and strain on your life can take their toll. So it’s only fair…
Read MoreA Sobering Look at Tennessee Car Accident Statistics
Stop and think. Do you know someone who has been in a car accident? Have you ever been in a car accident? With so many people and so many cars, it is hard to find anyone who can answer “no” to these questions. The fact is that about five and a half million car crashes…
Read MoreDealing with the Insurance Company after a Tennessee Auto Accident
After a car accident, most people are feeling afraid, upset and confused. Add physical injury and a wrecked car to that, and accident victims are most likely in a vulnerable state. This is when an insurance adjustor will enter the picture and try to make a quick settlement. Beware! Insurance adjustors do not always have…
Read MoreTennessee Drivers: Beware Dangerous Road Conditions!
Tennessee car accidents are frequently caused by dangerous road conditions. And winter is the time to be especially careful as roads ice over, snow flies, and visibility decreases. Add these to the many other road hazards and careful driving becomes even more important. Winter Road Hazards There is no doubt that driving can be even…
Read MoreGet Angry: Tennessee Distracted Driving Accidents are Avoidable!
A serious Tennessee car accident can be one of the most stressful events life has to offer. Our lives can be turned upside down in one brief instant. From the initial crash to the emergency room, we can be frightened, upset, and afraid. Once the recovery period begins, most people discover the cause of their…
Read MoreWaiving Uninsured Motorist Coverage Can Cost You
Most people understand the purpose of liability auto insurance coverage. If you accidently cause a wreck and injure someone, your liability insurance policy will provide you with an attorney and will protect you up to the amount of your insurance limits. How much auto insurance coverage you need can vary based on your assets and…
Read MoreCRASH! What Not to Say to a Tennessee Insurance Adjustor
If you have been involved in a serious Tennessee car crash, events begin to occur quickly. First, the police, paramedics and doctors rush to your aid. Then, usually soon thereafter, the insurance adjustor arrives on the scene. At this point, be careful! What you say and do will have a huge impact on any claims…
Read MoreBuckle Up for Safety and Protect Your Rights in Tennessee Car Crashes
Are you wearing a seat belt every time you get into your car? If not, you may be looking for legal problems if you are in an accident. As Memphis car crash lawyers, we urge you to buckle up, not just for safety, but to protect your legal rights in case of an accident. One…
Read MoreTraumatic Brain Injuries in Tennessee Car Crashes
We try not to think about what dangers lurk every time we get behind the wheel of the car and head out onto the road. And most of the time, we return home safely. But when the unthinkable happens and a Tennessee car accident occurs, the chances of suffering serious injuries are great. As Memphis…
Read MoreSeven Tips to Follow After a Tennessee Auto Accident
Our free auto accident book Every Step You Take Matters After A Tennessee Auto Accident: Tips For Injury Victims provides lots of useful information for anyone involved in a auto accident. In addition, here are a few quick tips to consider: 1. Get Medical Help Call 911 immediately if anyone appears hurt. Medical treatment within…
Read MoreTennessee Intersections Can Be Deadly for Motorists
One of the most common places for a Tennessee car accident to occur is at an intersection. All it takes is one person to fail to pay attention or ignore a roadway rule and – crash – vehicles collide, sometimes causing severe injury or even death. Tennessee vehicle crash statistics provided by the National Highway…
Read MoreDon’t Let a Tennessee Drunk Driver Get Away With It
No matter how stiff the penalties or how outraged the citizens are, drinking and driving in Tennessee continues to happen. And when someone gets behind the wheel after drinking, lives are lost, people are seriously disabled, and families are devastated. The Facts About Drinking and Driving: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA)…
Read MoreWill Memphis Get Snow This Year? Be Prepared for Winter Driving.
It’s the first day of winter, but will we get winter weather this year? If we do, the same ice, sleet and snow that brings smiles and snow days will also bring Memphis car accidents. You can reduce your chances of being injured in a winter weather accident by being prepared. Here are some tips…
Read MoreToyota Agrees to Pay Record Settlement
Toyota Motor Co. announced on December 26 that it has agreed to pay more than $1 billion to settle lawsuits involving unintended acceleration problems in some of its vehicles. The proposed settlement applies to hundreds of lawsuits filed over the last three years by Toyota and Lexus owners who claim the value of their vehicles…
Read MoreUsed Cars, What You Don’t Know May Hurt You
Car dealerships in Tennessee must be licensed by the state. Anyone who sells a car without a license is limited to selling only personal vehicles. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the rules. There are unlicensed dealers who obtain cars from salvage yards, take out sellable parts like airbags, make them look good and sell them to…
Read MoreTennessee Drivers Asleep at the Wheel: A Common Occurrence
We all know that texting and driving is unsafe and irresponsible, which explains why we are constantly reminded on radio, TV, billboards and the web that “One Text or Call Could Wreck it All” and to “Stop the Texts. Stop the Wrecks.” According to a new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and…
Read MoreSafety Last: When Vehicle Defects Cause Tennessee Accident Injury
Have you watched any car commercials lately? Whether the car is speeding through tropical scenery or carrying a group of hipsters through a lit up city, the one thing that is always emphasized is the car’s safety rating. We want more than transportation from our vehicles. We expect our cars to keep us and our…
Read MoreEvans v. City of Memphis
View the Evans v. City of Memphis PDF File Thomas GreerSince graduating magna cum laude in 2005 from the University of Memphis School of Law, Thomas has helped make a difference in the lives of victims of serious personal injury, wrongful death, and professional negligence. Thomas has extensive trial experience in both state and federal court. Among other victories in the…
Read MoreRights and Liabilities When a Bicyclist is Hit By a Motor Vehicle in Tennessee
Roadways are becoming more and more congested. This steady incline is due to the increase in population, but also due to the more frequent access and viability of motor vehicles and alternative modes of transportation. Due to the economy, some people are opting to purchase motorcycles, bicycles, or use public transportation more than they ever…
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