The Key Elements of a Tennessee Birth Injury Case
A medical malpractice case is a civil lawsuit brought against a doctor, hospital, or other healthcare provider. A birth injury case is one type of medical malpractice case usually brought by the parents of the newborn because a child was born with health problems that should reasonably have been prevented. Preventive measures include proper diagnosis…
Read MoreThe Flu Isn’t Gone Yet
This year has been a pretty bad one for the flu. Not only did a lot of people get the flu (even some who were vaccinated against it), but the dominant strain – Influenza A-H3N2 – was a strong one and widespread. So instead of groups of people in different regions coming down with the…
Read MoreWhat Happens When a Truck Jackknifes?
Jackknife accidents with 18-wheelers are among the deadliest and the most frightening types of crashes. Trucks that jackknife may roll over. Oftentimes, the truck sprawl causes multi-vehicle accidents as cars do their best to avoid the truck or the cargo the truck spills on the roads. Some unlucky truck drivers crash into the cab or…
Read MoreThe Do’s and Don’ts of Merging Properly to Avoid Car Accidents
Merging traffic is a major concern for every driver. When lanes merge or drivers enter a highway, the driver has no choice but to communicate in some way with other vehicles in the other traffic lanes. Communicate usually means indicating by car position, car speed, a wave of the hand, or some other method which…
Read MoreMore Than a Simple Mistake: Medical Malpractice
As the old saying goes, “Everyone makes mistakes.” And, as unfortunate as it sounds, this includes medical professionals. Contrary to what we want to believe, even our doctors and surgeons are fallible and susceptible to human error. Usually, and thankfully, the mistakes they might make are insignificant and don’t harm anyone. Sometimes though, a mistake…
Read MoreWhat is Truck “Platooning”?
Trucking companies are constantly exploring options to make their industry safer, increase freight efficiency, and reduce fuel consumption. One of these options, although not fully autonomous, takes a step toward clearing a path for autonomous vehicles in the trucking industry. It’s called “platooning,” and it has its supporters and detractors. Platooning at a glance Think…
Read MoreFamily Wants Apology After Baby Injured During Birth at Tennessee Hospital
After their baby’s head was injured during birth at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a new mom took her case to social media to warn others. Cecily Dantam posted photos of scratches and gouges on the top of her newborn’s head and said the baby also suffered hypothermia due to the actions of her nurse midwife…
Read MoreAre Autonomous Cars Really Safer Than Traditional Vehicles?
Autonomous vehicles appear to be the wave of the future. We’re told they will make the roads safer for everyone, eventually cutting down on or even eliminating car accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Car manufacturers and technology companies are racing each other to be the first to market and get the biggest bite of what might…
Read MoreDo You Really Need a “Truck Accident” Attorney if You Collide with a Truck?
In a word, yes. Collisions with commercial trucks lead to some of the most complex legal claims there are. Even when it seems open-and-shut to you, the chances are good that the trucking company will put up a fight. So, if you want a fair shot at a just compensation package, you’re going to want…
Read MoreWhat Causes Lane Departure Car Accidents?
Have you ever had a moment where you’re on Interstate 40 and you just “zoned out” for a minute? Another driver honks, you get startled, and you swerve back into your lane. With a quickened heartbeat, you realize that you just narrowly avoided getting into a crash because of a brief lapse of attention. That’s…
Read MoreFDA Issues a Safety Warning About Limbrel’s Link to Potentially Life-Threatening Health Problems
On December 18, 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent a letter to Primus Pharmaceuticals, which is the manufacturer of Limbrel, requesting a recall of their products because of the risk of liver injury and a lung condition called hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The FDA recommends that consumers stop using Limbrel immediately and contact their…
Read MoreWhat is the Difference Between a Birth Injury and a Birth Defect?
When a newborn has a medical condition, it is not always clear whether it is because of a birth defect or a birth injury. Birth injuries happen during delivery or immediately following delivery. A birth injury can occur when there is a complication during labor and delivery. The complication can stem from an act of…
Read MoreLiability for Tennessee Road Rage Accidents
Say you are driving home one night on I-40, stuck in the stop and go of the evening traffic, when you see a car rushing toward you in your rear-view mirror. That car darts quickly into the left lane, cutting off a vehicle that was approaching, and then another car follows quickly behind it. You…
Read MoreThe Importance of Deciding When a Cesarean Section is Required to Prevent Birth Injuries
Childbirth is usually a normal process that results in a healthy baby and mother. There are times, however, when a Cesarean section is required to protect the health of the baby and the mother. Since every case is different, it can be challenging to know in every circumstance whether performing a C-section was required and…
Read MoreThe Opioid Crisis: What Are Pill Mills?
In late October of this year, President Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency. Approximately 90 Americans die every day from opiate overdoses. This number includes prescription drugs. This is a quadruple jump in numbers since 1999. Some people may get their pills via illegal means, but some get opioid painkillers directly from…
Read MoreDriving Safely in Winter Weather
Weather in Tennessee is unpredictable, and weather during the winter months is no exception. Roadways can become slippery with ice and snow before you know it. The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is always prepared. At the beginning of 2017, they stocked 247,000 tons of salt and 1.6 million gallons of salt brine, a pre-treatment…
Read MoreThousands Arrested Every Year in Tennessee Prescription Opioid Crackdown
More than 6,000 Tennessee citizens are arrested every year for crimes related to prescription opioids. Heroin busts are increasing as well, as many who are hooked on the doctor-prescribed pain pills will move on to street opiates to feed their habit. Rural areas of Tennessee, as well as inner cities like areas of Memphis and…
Read MoreTeens Who Stole Trucks in Memphis Suffer Fatal Loss in Southaven
In early October, four teenagers stole two trucks from Memphis and drove them across state lines to Southaven, Mississippi. They were flying down a back road when one of the Ford F-150s flipped, killing a 16 year old Memphis teenager, and injuring another. The driver of the F-150 jumped into the second stolen vehicle and,…
Read MoreClaiming Disability in West Tennessee? You Could Be Waiting for Years
For those who have a reasonable claim to applying for and receiving Social Security Disability Benefits, you could be waiting for months and months to be able to start receiving your benefits. More than one million people in the United States are on the waiting list for Social Security Disability benefits, and with a lack…
Read MoreFacial Paralysis from Birthing Trauma
Our facial expressions allow us to communicate with the rest of the word without saying a single word. We are able to smile when we are happy and frown when we are upset. But for some children, this ability is taken from them at birth, often due to the negligent actions of a doctor. Facial…
Read MoreThe Trauma of a Head-On Car Crash
A head-on traffic collision is one of the most traumatic and frightening types of roadway accidents a person can experience. Not only are the injured parties likely to see the inevitability of the accident as it unfolds, but they also face some of the most serious injuries of any type of vehicle accident. Why head-on…
Read MoreDetermining Trucking Company Negligence
Trucking accidents cause serious injuries and fatalities on the Tennessee roadways. While the operators of these vehicles are often blamed for the crashes they cause, trucking companies often have some responsibility as well. This especially applies to instances where negligent hiring practices or improper vehicle maintenance led to the crash. When victims of these truck…
Read MoreStatute of Limitations for Late-Emerging Birth Injuries in Tennessee
Amidst the joys of pregnancy, every parent’s nightmare is the horror of tragic complications or injury during birth. Worse yet, some families leave the hospital or birth center believing all is well with their infant, only to learn later that a birth injury occurred when symptoms arise days or weeks later. Tennessee families whose children…
Read MoreLiability in Tennessee Auto Accidents Involving More Than Two Cars
Traffic pileups happen frequently in urban areas like Memphis, particularly during rush hour and peak commute times. When there are multiple cars involved in an auto accident, it can be a chore to determine fault. If you were in a multiple car accident, whether you are at fault or not, it is advisable to retain…
Read MoreDetermining Fault in Tennessee Rear End Accidents
Minor fender benders are an all-too-common occurrence on the Tennessee roadways, particularly during peak hours when traffic is bumper to bumper. These scenarios often involve a rear-end accident, in which the front of one car strikes the back of the vehicle in front of it. Rear-end accidents often occur because the vehicle in front stopped…
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