Tennessee Doctors Can Earn Big Bucks by Denying Disability Claims

Doctors in Tennessee are being contracted to review claims submitted by Tennesseans for Social Security Disability benefits, with many of them reviewing thousands of cases per year for high payouts. The doctors are hired by the State of Tennessee’s Disability Determination Services, and there are roughly 50 of these doctors who conduct the reviews throughout…

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Wrongful Death Claims in Tennessee

If your loved one is killed because of another person’s negligence, you may be able to make a wrongful death claim. Here, Sadler Bailey explains who can bring a claim, and how compensation is handled. Who Can Bring a Wrongful Death Claim in Tennessee? In Tennessee, it’s pretty broad who can bring a wrongful death…

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Distracted Driving Laws in Tennessee

The distracted driving laws in Tennessee have been around for a long time, but it seems like more recently with cellphones and texting, and things like that, the drivers are becoming more and more distracted. So the simple law in Tennessee is that you have to pay attention to the roadway. And if you…

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Tennessee’s Caps on Medical Liability Damages

People who suffer catastrophic injuries or serious injuries due to medical malpractice often have substantial costs associated with their care. Just a brief stay in a hospital can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars. Full compensation for any type of medical error includes payments for the following: Doctors’ bills and the costs of staying…

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Who Is Driving All These Commercial Trucks?

There are certain types of trucks that require certain types of licenses. Any driver who wishes to operate a semi-truck, tractor trailer, bus, or any type of commercial truck or vehicle must have a valid commercial driver’s license (CDL). A valid CDL gives the driver the right to drive in all 50 states – though…

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New Tool May Help Doctors Detect Brain Injury in Newborns Earlier

The BBC reported in September 2018 that University College London has created a new medical device that can literally shine light into the diagnosis of newborn’s oxygen and energy levels. The device, called a broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), may help physicians assess whether the newborn has brain damage earlier than usual. A clinical study is…

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The “New NAFTA” and its Effects on Safety and the Environment

Trade agreements and personal injury lawsuits don’t really go together. After all, what do tariffs and wages have to do with broken bones or head injuries, right? But there are two elements of the “New NAFTA” (currently titled USMCA, for the United States, Mexico, and Canada) agreement that we think are worth looking at. Safety…

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Are Electronic Logging Device Requirements Helping?

According to Trucks.com, the trucking industry is slowly learning to adjust to a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) law effective December 2017 that requires truckers to use digital electronic logging devices (ELDs) to track the hours they drive. The FMCSA requires drivers to monitor their hours because driver fatigue is known to cause numerous…

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Should Teens Be Driving 18-Wheelers?

There’s been a recent push to put teens and young adults—ages 18 to 21—on the interstate as tractor-trailer drivers. With a driver shortage across the country, many trucking industry representatives and politicians believe that loosening federal safety rules around the legal age for interstate trucking drivers can help relieve the problem. However, safety concerns about…

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Medical Malpractice Claims for Uterine Rupture

A uterine rupture is a dangerous complication that can happen during a vaginal birth. The mother’s uterus tears, which causes the baby to slide into her abdomen. It usually occurs when a mother has developed uterine scars from a prior cesarean delivery or from another uterine surgery. A woman’s risk of a uterine rupture increases…

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Electronic Safety Systems May Not Be That Safe

An industry insurance group is warning consumers that cars and trucks with electronic driver assist systems may not always see stopped vehicles, and the systems could even steer the car into a crash if the driver isn’t paying attention. In a recent paper, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) tested five driver assist programs…

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U.S. Is the Most Dangerous Place in Developed World to Give Birth

A recent article in USA TODAY highlighted some dangerous truths about giving birth in the United States. Writer Alison Young researched four years for her article “Hospitals know how to protect mothers. They just aren’t doing it.” Her article shared the news that the U.S. is currently the most dangerous place in the developed world…

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Lyme Disease and Birth Injuries

As the temperature warms, residents of Tennessee love to walk in wooded trails, parks, and places with lots of green grass. Unfortunately, these areas are attractive to ticks that carry Lyme disease. According to the March of Dimes, Lyme disease can cause death and catastrophic injuries. People with Lyme disease can develop brain damage, nerve…

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Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise in Memphis 

Commercial Appeal, part of USA Today, recently wrote that a new National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) study reveals that pedestrian deaths are increasing. The writeup begins with the tragic profile of a 70-year old man who was killed by a pickup truck. The death has devastated the victim’s family. The older man is one…

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Dispelling the Myths about Who the “Best” Drivers Are

Most people think they’re pretty good drivers. Certainly no one likes to admit they’re bad at it. As it turns out, the statistical likelihood of getting into a serious accident varies based on age, gender, career, and other factors, according to the Safety Resource Center. The SRC’s analyses of who’s “better” on the road are…

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FDA Issues a Class I Recall for Abbott Cardiology Medical Device

The Food and Drug Administration forced Abbott to recall its HeartMate 3™ Left Ventricular Assist System. The medical device was designed to transport blood originating in the heart to the rest of the body. The main parts of the device are a blood pump and an outflow graft. The pump is inserted in the pericardium…

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Sepsis, Septic Shock and Medical Malpractice Claims

According to the Mayo Clinic, sepsis can endanger a patient’s life. Sepsis is an infection complication that is more likely to occur in the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. It occurs when chemicals are released into the bloodstream to fight an infection. The chemicals cause inflammation which can harm the organs or cause…

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Recognizing the Signs of Postpartum Depression

New mothers endure a range of emotions after the birth of a child: joy, anxiety, fear, overwhelming relief, happiness – the list is as varied as the families who experience childbirth. Many mothers, though, suffer from the “baby blues.” The baby blues are sadness after the birth of a child, and they are perfectly normal.…

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Another Self-Driving Vehicle Is Involved in a Crash

Buzzfeed reported in May 2018, that another self-driving vehicle has caused a collision in Arizona. The crash follows a fatal accident involving an autonomous Uber vehicle in Arizona. As a result of the Uber wreck, Arizona’s governor halted Uber’s right to test self-driving cars on public roads. The Buzzfeed story involved a Waymo self-driving vehicle.…

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Should I Settle My Birth Injury Case?

Birth injuries can devastate newborns and families. Most families want nothing more than 10 fingers, 10 toes, and a healthy baby, so when something goes wrong, it turns your whole worldview upside down. You probably have a lot of questions for the doctors and yourself: What kind of care will your child need? What types…

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