Memphis Automobile Accident Attorneys Remind You to Buckle Up
Seat belts and child safety seats are the most effective devices for preventing injuries and deaths in car accidents. Failure to wear a seat belt contributes to more traffic-related fatalities than any other behavior. More than sixty percent of the people who were killed in motor vehicle accidents in Tennessee were not wearing their seat…
Read MoreMemphis Medical Malpractice Attorneys Discuss Medication Errors
People who seek medical care at hospitals, doctors’ offices, urgent care facilities, and other places trust that medical professionals who are rendering aid to them will, indeed, help them to become well again. Much of the time, that is exactly what happens. Unfortunately, people do sometimes die or experience serious injuries or illnesses because they…
Read MoreMemphis Medical Malpractice Attorneys Discuss Ophthalmologists and Dentists
When you hear about medical malpractice, the stories are often about things that went wrong at a hospital, or situations in which doctors failed to diagnose or misdiagnosed patients who came to their offices in search of relief from their symptoms. While the aforementioned situations certainly qualify as instances of medical malpractice, it is important…
Read MoreMemphis Trucking Accident Attorney Discusses Work Zone Risks for Highway Workers
There are still plenty of clear, dry days left before winter weather comes along. There is still grass to mow, there are areas to repave, and there are many other repairs which must be made. Fortunately, Tennessee Department of Transportation workers are still out in full force, keeping our state’s highways in good repair. Some…
Read MoreShelby County School Bus Wreck: Legal Rights of Victims
Just yesterday, news outlets began reporting that a Shelby County Schools (SCS) bus wrecked after the driver veered outside of her lane of travel and struck a commercial truck. There were 20 students on the bus who had just been picked up from Bolton High School and news reports indicate that as many as 11…
Read MoreTennessee Legal Malpractice Attorneys Talk about Mass Joinder Lawsuit Scams
If your home is being foreclosed upon, you may be desperate to save it. You are likely to want to explore any and all avenues that could possibly lead to a situation where you would be able to keep your home. Unfortunately you, and other homeowners like you, are in a position where you could…
Read MoreWhy You Cannot Rely on Medicare’s Star Rating When Choosing a Tennessee Nursing Home
Ratings and reviews are everywhere nowadays, and if you are considering placing an elderly relative in the care of a nursing home, you may be happy to learn that there is a rating system for nursing homes. Deciding which nursing home will take care of someone that you love is never an easy decision, but…
Read MoreWhat Happens During a Tennessee Automobile Accident Lawsuit?
If you are anything like most Tennessee accident victims, you have never been through an automobile accident lawsuit before. Since you have not had this experience before, it is only natural to want to know what is likely to happen as your case progresses from the beginning to the end. Speaking of the end, the…
Read MoreMan Shot in the Parking Lot Files Lawsuit Against Kroger and Belz
On January 23, 2014, a lawsuit was filed against Kroger and the owners, including Belz, of the Southgate Shopping Center in Memphis, Tennessee. The security company for the Southgate Shopping Center, Central Defense, was named as a defendant as well. The lawsuit stems from an incident that occurred on September 12, 2013, when a man…
Read MoreMemphis Kroger Parking Lot Attack: Who Is to Blame?
On Saturday, September 6, 2014, three individuals were attacked and injured by a group of at least twenty young people in the Poplar Plaza Kroger parking lot. Early reports indicate that the mob was chanting the name of a local gang. The attacks sparked outrage among Memphis residents, community leaders, and local politicians. The attack…
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