What Are the Dangers Associated with Rollover Accidents?

Cars, sport utility vehicles, crossover utility vehicles, jeeps, all-terrain vehicles, and many types of trucks have one thing in common – they’re all susceptible to rollover accidents. Rollovers occur due to physical forces which cause the vehicle to fall to the side or flip over onto the roof of the car. Rollover accidents are often…

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Foot and Ankle Injuries Related to Car Crashes

Have you ever tried to balance on one foot? Unless you have incredible core strength, it is tough to maintain for more than a few seconds. That’s because our balance is designed to be shared across both of our feet. In fact, each part of our foot contributes an important role to our ability to…

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10 Defensive Driving Tips for Drivers of All Ages

Many car accidents occur due to a driver’s own negligence. Common examples include drivers who speed, drive while intoxicated, and drive while distracted. Drivers may also cause accidents because they violate local traffic laws. All drivers need to anticipate that other drivers may cause accidents for these very same reasons. While you can’t control how…

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The Dangers of Using NSAIDs When You’re Pregnant

The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is concerned that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen may pose a danger to women who are 20 weeks or more into their pregnancy. The concern is that the NSAIDs may cause their unborn child to develop kidney problems which can result in low amounts…

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Who Is Responsible for a Left-Turn Car Accident?

As a general rule, a driver who makes a left-hand turn does so at his/her own risk. This means when you make a left-hand turn, you better be extra cautious to make sure there’s no oncoming traffic or that you have enough space and time to make the turn before the traffic gets close. As…

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How a Driver Is Paid May Affect the Likelihood of a Truck Accident

Many truck driver accidents happen because drivers want to make their deliveries too quickly. To improve speed and efficiency, drivers may feel the need to cut corners. One way to cut corners is by speeding or running through red lights and stop signs. Another way to cut corners is to drive continually instead of taking…

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What Do You Need to Prove in a Medical Malpractice Claim?

Everyone who has any type of medical procedure has the right to expect that their physicians, nurses, hospitals, and other health providers are competent. Doctors should be trained to anticipate the known risks to procedures and treatments. They should take steps to ensure a diagnosis is correct. When patients are harmed due to medical error,…

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Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Birth Injuries

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a common breathing disorder birth injury. Prenatal doctors and birth doctors need to monitor parents and newborns for this condition. Failure to properly diagnose and treat RDS may constitute medical malpractice. Prenatal doctors should work to try to prevent premature births through prenatal care and monitoring. RDS often occurs in…

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What Causes Compartment Syndrome?

Compartment syndrome is a serious injury that occurs when pressure within the muscles builds to dangerous levels. The higher the pressure, the lower the blood flow throughout the body, which prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching muscle and nerve cells. There are two types of compartment syndrome: acute and chronic. If you are suffering from…

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Neck Injuries Caused by Car Accidents

Neck pain is a common result from car accidents, regardless of the level of severity of the crash. In some cases, victims may not even realize how severe their injuries are. Perhaps their pain was delayed by hours (or days), or perhaps they chose not to seek medical attention right after the crash. Any injury…

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The Dangers of Out-of-Hospital Births

Having a baby is one of the sweet joys of life. To help ensure that the delivery goes well and that the child is healthy, it helps for the mother to have the best medical care possible. That means getting regular checkups with physicians and having the baby delivered by experienced health providers who are…

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What Is a Defective Drug or Medical Device?

Defective drug or medical device cases are something that we’re very familiar with at Bailey & Greer. The approval process for either a drug or a device goes to the FDA, and a lot of people think that the FDA does testing and that they have the facilities set up to make sure that…

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What Are the Most Common Risks of Your Child Developing a Birth Injury?

Every year, thousands of children throughout the United States are born with injuries as a result of trauma or negligence during the delivery process. Many birth injuries can be remedied through certain treatments or with surgery. However, many children suffer long-lasting damage to their bodies, including lifelong disabilities that occurred around the time of birth.…

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Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances Now Required in Tennessee

A new law taking effect next year is targeted at curbing opioid dependence and prescription fraud in the state of Tennessee. This law, stemming from Senate Bill 810, prevents doctors from issuing printed or handwritten prescriptions for controlled substances such as opioids, stimulants, and other potentially habit-forming medications. Instead, licensed physicians must electronically submit prescriptions.…

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Mental Anguish Counts as Pain and Suffering in a Car Crash Claim

When you are in a car accident, it can cause some serious physical injuries, but those are not the only injuries that can occur. You may also experience a lot of emotional and mental pain and suffering because of the accident. Serious accidents can lead to several mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety…

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