Tennessee Workers’ Comp Basics: What to Do if Injured on the Job

If you are injured on-the-job in Tennessee, the Tennessee worker’s compensation insurance program is designed to help you. Through a federally mandated program, every employer in the state with five or more full or part-time employees is required to carry workers’ comp insurance. This insurance is also mandated for all employers in the construction or…

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Canadian Doc Makes Surgical Error; CEO Takes the Fall

A Canadian doctor recently mistakenly removed the lymph nodes from a patient who was only supposed to have a routine lumpectomy. But the hospital administrator is taking the blame. According to CEO David Musyj, the Windsor Regional Hospital’s pathology department mixed up the test results of two women – one healthy and one in an…

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Tennessee Medical Association Eyes National Healthcare Reform

Last month, the Tennessee Medical Association (TMA) held its annual meeting at a Nashville airport area hotel, and a major topic of discussion was national healthcare reform. At the April 2012 meeting, doctors were said to be keeping an eye on the current healthcare reform actions in Washington. The TMA’s executive vice president Russ Miller…

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Half of Medications Lack Safety or Dosing Information for Children

A very troubling study released by The Journal of the American Medical Association found that only half of medications which are commonly prescribed to children contained information about pediatric use.  Although there has been an improvement since this issue was first researched in 1975, when only 22% of medication was properly labeled, the current ratio…

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First Vaginal Mesh Cases Set for Trial

If you are one of the many women who have received a mesh implant to deal with organ prolapse, or urinary incontinence, and are experiencing significant complications, then you should know that litigation against the companies that made and distributed these devices is proceeding.  We are representing dozens of clients suffering from failed mesh devices,…

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What to Do When a Dangerous Prescription Drug Hurts You

When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a drug, we like to think that drug has been rigorously tested and deemed safe for us to use. Unfortunately, that is very often not the case at all. Too many times, prescription drugs are inadequately tested, rushed to market before they are fully understood and information…

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Diabetes Drug, Actos, Under Fire for Serious Dangerous Drug Side Effects

In an April 2012 news release, the San Francisco Chronicle details the dangers and recent litigation surrounding the diabetes drug, Actos. According to the Chronicle, a whistleblower lawsuit against Actos manufacturer, Takeda Pharmacies, is being heard in the U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts by Judge F. Dennis Saylor. This lawsuit names Helen Ge as…

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Parents Blame Contaminated Tylenol for Death of Their Infant Son

April 2012: The parents of a Chicago three-month-old baby boy have filed suit after their son died from taking a contaminated dose of infant-formula Tylenol. The lawsuit was filed in Cook County naming McNeil PPC and Johnson & Johnson as defendants. The Chicago Tribune reports that the parents, Malgorzata and Michael Cherry, took their son…

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Signs and Symptoms of Tennessee Nursing Home Neglect

We all want to think that every senior is well cared for and loved in nursing homes, yet all too often this is not the case. Tennessee nursing home neglect can be happening right under our noses and sometimes we don’t know until it is too late. For this reason, we should all be vigilant…

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Panel of Doctors Says Malpractice is Not to Blame for Rising Healthcare Costs

At the Avoiding Avoidable Care conference held on April 25-26, 2012, a panel of expert physicians acknowledged that malpractice lawsuits are not a serious contributing factor to the ever rising cost of healthcare.  Overall, malpractice related expenditures, which include payments to people who have been legitimately injured or killed as a result of medical malpractice,…

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California Nursing Home Neglect Case Goes to Trial

Two Placerville, California nurses have pled not guilty to charges of felony elder abuse in relation to the death of a Cameron Park woman in 2008. The Sacramento Bee reported that Donna Darlene Palmer, 58, and Rebecca LeAn Smith, 38, denied wrongdoing in the death of Johnnie Esco, 77, a resident of El Dorado Care…

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Who Can File a Tennessee Wrongful Death Claim?

Wrongful deaths cause pain, emotional turmoil, and even financial distress for the survivors of a loved one. Because state and not federal law governs wrongful death, Tennessee has its own set of statutes. If you live in the Memphis area, it is important to consult a Memphis wrongful death lawyer to determine what your rights…

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Pinckneyville, Tennessee Woman Killed in Deadly Multiple Vehicle Crash

Thomas E. Harris, 43, of Clarksville, Tennessee, was arrested and booked for DUI on U.S. Route 51, south of Tamaroa, when he sideswiped a van, then plowed into a group of six motorcyclists, killing one of them. According to the Perry County Sheriff’s Department and the Tennessee State Police, Harris’ 2001 Chevy Silverado pickup was…

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Pradaxa Causing Serious Bleeding: FDA to Conduct Safety Review

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is reviewing reports that hundreds of patients taking Pradaxa (dabigatran etexilate mesylate) have suffered from serious bleeding events. Some of the patients have reportedly died from the bleeding events and suffered other serious injuries.  Pradaxa is a blood thining medication that is designed to reduce the risk of…

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Tennessee Insurance Coverage to Change Without Knowledge

SB2271/HB2454 Insurance: Overturns Law Protecting Consumers This legislation is on the Floor of the Senate tomorrow and the Floor of the House on Thursday.  Please contact your legislators and ask them to vote no to this bill.  To find your legislator click Here and then type in your zip code. Bill Summary This legislation allows…

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What Are the Chances of a Tennessee Slip and Fall Injury?

Tennessee slip and fall accidents happen every day. In fact, this type of accident is one of the most common in the United States. An estimated one million Americans are injured each year when they slip and fall. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 20,000 of these people die as…

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Restaurant Slip and Fall Accidents Costly for Business

A recent Market Watch report details the results of a study conducted by Cintas Corporation in Cincinnati. The study was conducted to determine the costs of slip and fall accidents to the restaurant industry. The findings of this study indicate that this type of accident costs more than the money paid out in litigation. It…

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JFK Airport Runway Accident Sets Off Flurry of Lawsuits

A Kennedy airport collision between a construction truck and a Korean Air Lines Cargo plane on June 9, 2009 has resulted in a string of lawsuits, all of which are seeing action this month. It all started when Karmall McLean, a worker for Tully Construction, parked his work truck near a Taxiway Y at the…

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West Virginia Woman Sues Two Airlines for Injuries

Two years ago, Patricia Kent Johnston bought a Delta airline ticket to travel from Las Vegas to Charleston, with a stop in Cincinnati. She filed suit against two airlines when she was allegedly left in a wheel chair in freezing temperatures and then dropped and injured while getting to her seat. Johnston and her two…

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How to Cope With Grief in a Tennessee Wrongful Death

Ask anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. It hurts and there is no way to change that. Grief is a perfectly natural and unavoidable process that everyone must go through. But, when the death is wrongful, due to the negligence of someone else, the pain can be so much more intense…

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Actos Bladder Cancer Link: Whistleblower Says Takeda Knew

A former researcher and safety consultant for the drug company Takeda filed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that Takeda misled the FDA about bladder cancer and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) risks associated with the diabetes drug Actos.  The whistleblower lawsuit was filed by Dr. Helen Ge, a former associate medical director at the Harvard Clinical Research…

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Yamaha Grizzly ATV Throttle Defect Can Cause Serious Injuries

Many owners have complained that the Yamaha Grizzly 660 throttle is defective and can become stuck in the “wide open” position.  If the throttle sticks in the open position during normal operation, riders can be seriously injured or even killed.  When the Grizzly throttle sticks riders are caught off guard and the operator is not…

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