Nashville Couple Face Grand Jury Indictment and Lawsuit in DUI Crash

A Davidson County grand jury has indicted a pair of defendants on two counts each of vehicular homicide by intoxication and one felony count each for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon following the tragic December 2011 crash that killed two young men. Trevor Bradshaw and Erin Brown, his girlfriend, received the indictments as a…

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No Tennessee DUI-Related Labor Day Crashes: THP Cites “No Refusal” Law

A September 2012 Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security report has announced that there were zero DUI-related fatal accidents in Tennessee in the 16 counties selected for “No Refusal” enforcement over the Labor Day weekend. In these counties, the Tennessee Highway Patrol, the Governor’s Highway Safety Office, a number of district attorneys and law…

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Meningitis Outbreak Kills Two, Shuts Down Saint Thomas Clinic

Two people are reportedly dead after contracting meningitis at Saint Thomas Outpatient Neurosurgery Center.  The Tennessee Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control announced that the clinic has been shut down pending an investigation.  According to the news release, 11 patients who were treated at the clinic have contracted meningitis.  The patients were…

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TSU Professor Arrested at Meeting:Alleges Violation of Whistleblower Laws

In late August 2012, a Tennessee State University English professor and University president tangled in a clash that resulted in the professor’s arrest and may end up in a Tennessee whistleblower lawsuit. It all started when Jane Davis, English professor and chairwoman of the Faculty Senate, spoke up alleging that the TSU administrators were guilty…

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Why Are Forceps Still Used in Tennessee Delivery Rooms?

The entire pregnancy has been completely uneventful and hopes for an equally smooth delivery are high. But sometimes complications can happen to the most hopeful among us. Suddenly the delivery team begins to work faster and harder. Then the forceps appear and you wonder, “Are these things still used? I thought they were a thing…

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Progressive Insurance Not Alone in Treating Customers Unfairly

The story of Kaitlynn Fisher’s death created a media firestorm recently, generating shock and outrage across the country.  The story received coverage from media outlets such as CNN, ABC, and the Wall Street Journal.  While the events of her death were unquestionably tragic, it was the conduct of Fisher’s insurance company that garnered the most…

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How to Avoid a Tennessee Hospital-Acquired Infection

The fact that hospital-acquired infections number about 1.7 million total and kill an estimated 99,000 Americans each year is enough to scare anyone. Hospitals are supposed to be places of treatment and healing. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. It is frustrating to know that most, if not all, of these infections could be…

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Mayo Clinic Agrees to $1.26 Million Settlement in False Claims Case

On August 6, 2012, Mayo Clinic and three related groups were ordered to settle a False Claims federal government lawsuit. The defendants agreed to the settlement amount of $1.26 million. The lawsuit alleged that Mayo had submitted false claims to the federal government by billing federal health care programs including Medicare and Medicaid for work…

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Do You Need an Attorney to Represent You in a Whistleblower Action?

When you have information that you think proves that someone at the place you work has committed an illegal activity like Medicare or Medicaid fraud against the government, you may want to find an attorney and file a whistleblower action. Making this decision isn’t easy. Most whistleblower actions are complicated, and most relators (the people…

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FDA Orders Immediate Recall of Cuffed Tracheostomy Tubes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recalled a defective medical device that is used for patient ventilation in hospitals throughout the country. The Covidien Shiley Adult Tracheostomy Tube is suspected of leaking and/or coming disconnected, potentially causing complications for patients. The recall is a class I, which means that the products being recalled…

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Tennessee Medicare Revisions Cut the Number of Nursing Home Residents

According to a July 2012 Washington Post report, a Tennessee revision of its Medicare long-term care program has gained national attention. As Tennessee nursing home injury lawyers, we would like to share the changes that will affect some of the low-income elderly in the state. The TennCare Medicaid program changes focus on the bottom line,…

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Memphis Police Crash Kills Two

A Memphis Police Department patrol car crashed into another car on Sunday, August 26, near Downtown Memphis.  The car crash killed two people and seriously injured two more. There were witnesses on the scene who said the police officer was speeding and that no sirens or blue lights were being used.  Witnesses also claim that the Memphis police officer ran through a…

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Zoloft Birth Defect Cases Consolidated in Pennsylvania MDL

The entire legal community is keeping an eye on Pennsylvania these days, ever since the Zoloft multidistrict legislation (MDL) was formed there. On April 17, 2012, the U.S. Judicial Panel created the MDL in order to consolidate the many claims that, when taken by pregnant mothers, Zoloft has caused birth defects in newborns. A MDL…

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Two Children injured in Memphis Car Crash: DUI Charges Filed

According to the Memphis Commercial Appeal, a two-car crash in Whitehaven resulted in two children being taken to the hospital in critical condition and a driver charged with DUI. The crash occurred at about 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 11, 2012. According to a police spokesperson, a Ford Crown Victoria, driven by Simeon White, 19,…

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What’s OSHA Got to Do With It? Tennessee Construction Injury Stats

Tennessee is like any other state in the nation. We employ many honest, hardworking citizens in our construction industry. And these workers deserve our best efforts at keeping them safe on-the-job. Yet accidents occur much more frequently than we might hope, making workers’ compensation claims necessary and sometimes even civil action in Tennessee construction accident…

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When Filing for Tennessee Legal Malpractice Is a Good Idea

Legal malpractice can be very difficult to prove. To do so, you must prove that your lawyer did something that caused damages – some form of injury and actual loss. You must show that if your attorney had acted reasonably, that you would have won your case. It is not legal malpractice just because your…

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Memphis Policeman Charged With DUI in City Crash

Memphis Police officer David Royal, 43 was arrested in July, following a crash that occurred about 9:45 a.m. Along with the Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge, he was charged with public intoxication, reckless driving and refusing to submit to a Breathalyzer test. The crash occurred at Ramill and Yale in the Raleigh area. Police…

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Memphis Attorney Thomas Greer Elected to Prestigious Post

Memphis personal injury attorney, Thomas Greer, was recently honored by his election as Vice President of the West Tennessee division of the Tennessee Association for Justice (TAJ). Greer, a partner in Bailey & Greer PLLC, began working with Sadler Bailey in 2004 as a law clerk during his last year of law school at the…

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Seven Tips to Hiring the Right Attorney

Hiring an attorney is always an important decision and can have long lasting consequences.  A good experience with an attorney can leave the client feeling well cared for and satisfied, while a bad experience can leave the client feeling betrayed and often financially harmed.  Follow these easy steps to find an attorney that’s right for…

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Appeals Court Orders Knoxville Medical Malpractice Case to Be Retried

In a June 2012 news posting, the Knoxville News Sentinel reported that the medical malpractice appeal brought by James and Katherine Mayo concerning their brain-damaged daughter, Zona, will be retried due to a reversal by the Tennessee Court of Appeals. Mistakes made by a Knox County Circuit Court judge influenced the Court’s decision that the…

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Memphis News Anchor Suffers Broken Neck in Car Accident

Joe Birch, popular Memphis news anchor for Action News 5, suffered a broken neck in a midtown traffic accident on Tuesday, July 15, 2012. According to recent reports, Birch was on his way to a business on Union Avenue to mail a thank you gift when the accident occurred. The two-car accident allegedly took place…

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