Epidural Birth Injuries to Mothers and Babies

When it comes to childbirth, pain management is crucial. It is the role of the anesthesiologist to manage a mother’s pain. The anesthesiologist plays a vital role in making sure that the dosage is correct and finding that balance between pain relief and safety for the mother and the child. Unfortunately, any slight error in…

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When a Mother Suffers Birth Injuries During Labor and Delivery

Childbirth is a perfectly natural function of the human body, and when it goes the way it is supposed it go, it is often a fairly routine process. Sometimes however, there are unavoidable complications during pregnancy that can put both the mother and the baby at risk. At other times, the negligent actions or failure…

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Safety Tips for Nighttime Driving

Did you know that traffic death rates are three times greater at night than during the day? The National Safety Council reports that there are some unique hazards that come with night driving that many drivers are completely unaware of or simply feel impervious to. The principle and most obvious hazard associated with night driving…

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Brain Injury in Newborns Caused by a Birth Injury

There are many factors that can contribute to brain injury in a newborn, but there are two broad categories for the causes of newborn brain injuries: one is physical trauma to the infant’s head and the other is oxygen deprivation during the birth process. Brain injury in a newborn can have long lasting, negative implications…

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Auto Accidents Caused by Roadway Departures

While it might not have happened to you, you have most likely seen a vehicle in front of you swerve into another lane or even off the side of the road. Roadway departure crashes or lane departure crashes are often severe and can account for a significant number of highway fatalities. In 2014, the Federal…

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Tips for Road Trip Safety

If your normal commute is a few miles between work and home, you may be unprepared for some of the challenges that come with a long road trip in the car. If you add kids into the mix, you have a full-blown adventure on your hands. In the United States, we are fortunate to have…

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Newly Released Truck Crash Data from FMCSA

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the federal agency in charge of large truck and bus safety in the United States. Each year, the FMCSA compiles a report of statistics called Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts. The 2014 edition includes excel spread sheets containing data on all of the truck and bus…

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Birth Injuries from Misuse of Forceps and Vacuum Extraction

According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Report (AHRQ), about 6 to 8 out of every 1,000 infants born in the United States is born with a birth injury. When it comes to birth injuries for mothers, the injury rate is highest for those who undergo birthing tool-assisted deliveries, and who are between…

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Cesarean Section Errors and Delays Can Lead to Birth Injuries

Thousands of babies are born naturally every day without incident making their proud parents very happy. There are, however, certain circumstances under which a fetus is experiencing distress within the mother’s womb and needs to be delivered surgically as soon as possible. A Cesarean section (C-section) is the surgical procedure that is performed to deliver…

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Catastrophic Injuries from Medical Mistakes

Whether you are suffering from a disease and you need treatment, or you have sustained an injury and you need emergency medical care, we turn to doctors to heal us and often to save our lives. When a doctor is able to do the seemingly impossible, we hail them as the heroes they are. But…

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