Vitamin K Deficiency Puts Infants at Risk of Developmental Delays

Medical technology and science have improved to the point where most children are born without serious risk of death in the United States.  However, this does not mean that there are not many threats to the health of your child, including doctor error, which can lead to a serious birth injury with life-altering consequences.  Some…

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Surgical Errors Lead to Birth Injuries in Tennessee

Learning that you were pregnant was one of the most joy-filled moments of your life.  Throughout your pregnancy, you anticipated the day that your baby would be born.  What you did not anticipate was that you or your newborn baby would require surgery.  After the terrible circumstances of your baby’s birth and the ensuing emergency,…

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A Tennessee Town Forms a New Anti-Aggressive Driving Program

Anybody who has driven in a vehicle recently probably has witnessed an incident of aggressive driving, whether as basic as a driver flipping you the middle finger when you stop for the yellow light that he intended to drive through to as dangerous as a driver pulling in front of you and slamming on the…

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Avoiding an Aggressive Driving Accident in Tennessee

December is a wonderful time of year.  Families get together to celebrate the season.  People try to stop and reflect on all the good things in their lives.  It is a time of peace and joyful exchanges, at least in theory.  The reality that greets us on the roads is a far different thing.  Everyone…

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Tennessee Nursing Homes Rank Amongst the Worst in the Nation

As the population of Baby Boomers continues to age, its members are swelling the numbers of residents in nursing home and assisted care facilities.  Although many of these homes have caring staff and engaging programs, a dismaying number of these facilities have deficiencies that can lead to neglect and abuse.  Sadly, Tennessee ranks among the…

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Legal Giant Baker & McKenzie Still Battling Legal Malpractice Case

In 2010, one of the largest law firms on the planet, Baker & McKenzie, was hit with a $103 million malpractice verdict.  The case arose out of neighboring Mississippi and captured headlines news both for its astronomical monetary amount and its revelation that even the largest, most esteemed firms are not above wrongdoing.  The facts…

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Rash of Motorcycle Crashes Across Tennessee Highlights New Dangers

Recently, the local news has been inundated with reports of motorcycle crashes all across Tennessee.  In Knox County, 22-year-old Rocky Adams was in an accident in mid-September.  He was traveling eastbound on Stowers Drive when a car pulled out of a private driveway.  Adams, who was driving at the speed limit, locked both front and…

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Tennessee Leads Nation in Rates of Distracted Driving

Tennessee recently received an undesirable ranking: it has some of the most distracted drivers in the nation. According to a study conducted by the National Safety Council, 10.6% of all deadly crashes in Tennessee involve distracted driving, and, more specifically, the use of a cell phone.  This is ten times the national average of deadly…

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A Look at the Causes Behind Tractor Trailer Accidents in Tennessee

A glance at the local news reveals that tractor trailer accidents in Tennessee are all too common, and often deadly.  This past summer, an Indiana couple perished in a multi-vehicle accident involving a negligent tractor trailer driver who failed to brake in time.  In early October, an accident involving a tractor trailer, a bus, and…

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20 Years After Her Son’s Birth, Scottish Woman Wins Birth Injury Suit

Back in August of 1993, Helen Coyle was admitted to Bellshill Maternity Hospital in Scotland.  Her pregnancy thus far had proceeded normally and without complications.  Coyle’s son, Ryan, was born two days after her hospital admission.  When she was first admitted to Bellshill, Coyle was given medication to stimulate contractions and the fetal heart rate…

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Woman Awarded $9.3 Million in Medical Malpractice Suit Involving Drug Overdose

Barbara G. Lathan’s story represents every hospital patient’s worst nightmare.  Ms. Lathan, a 72-year-old Connecticut resident, went to the Bridgeport Hospital, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, for treatment of a simple urinary tract infection back in October of 2007.  Aside from the minor urinary tract infection, Ms. Lathan was a picture of health, active and enjoying life. …

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Top Things to Consider in Selecting Your Tennessee Auto Accident Attorney

You have made the initial decision to hire an automobile accident attorney to help you recover following your auto accident.  The decision to engage the assistance of an attorney is your first step along the path of successful recovery.  Now, however, you must select your automobile accident attorney.  Your choice of auto accident attorney is…

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Families of Bonnaroo Crash Victims Killed By Big Rig Seek Justice

A horrific fiery crash involving a large tractor-trailer took the lives of a young Indiana couple on their way to the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Tennessee this past summer.  Less than an hour from the festival, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, a big rig driver caused an eight-vehicle pile-up when he failed to stop amidst congested traffic…

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The Deadly Potential of Bus Accidents in Tennessee

On October 2, 2013, a horrific, fatal bus crash occurred in Jefferson County, Tennessee.  On this afternoon, a church bus carrying mostly senior citizens was traveling eastbound on I-40.  The bus experienced a tire blow out, causing it to travel across the median and strike a tractor trailer and a passenger car.  The tractor trailer…

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Tennessee’s Motorcycle Helmet Law May Be Changing

Currently, in Tennessee, all motorcycle operators and passengers are required to wear a crash helmet meeting federal standards.  This universal helmet law may be changing, however, as a proposal to relax current helmet laws makes its way through the legislature.  The Tennessee State Senate has advanced a bill that would remove the requirement that some…

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Tennessee Motorcycle Accident Basics

For motorcycle enthusiasts, few things compare to the thrill of the open road.  Motorcycle riding has become a favorite American pastime, growing drastically in popularity in just the last few years.  In 2012, there were approximately nine million registered motorcycles in the U.S., up from seven million in 2007.  Tennessee alone has over 160,000 registered…

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Nationwide Study Shows the Nursing Home Residents are Being Robbed

When a person becomes a resident at a nursing home, he or she must place a great deal of trust in the staff at that facility.  They are responsible for each resident’s shelter, feeding, clothing, and administration of medication.  These staff members also are responsible for the management of resident’s money in numerous instances.  Many…

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Birth Injuries Due to Delay in Delivery in Tennessee

A case originating out of Tennessee made headline news this past summer, when a Memphis jury determined that the obstetrician’s delays in performing a necessary emergency c-section led to severe birth injuries.  The case arose out of the Circuit Court for Tennessee for the Thirtieth Judicial District.  The facts of the case are as follows: …

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