Overloaded Trucks Cause Horrific Injuries in Tennessee

There are millions of commercial trucks on the road each day.  Many travel through Tennessee every day, which means that there are serious accidents involving tractor-trailers and Tennessee residents with all too much regularity.  Tractor-trailers are the means by which goods are shipped throughout the United States.  Due to the high cost of fuel and…

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Truck Driver Sentenced to Twelve Years for Tennessee Accident

In October, 2013, truck driver Ronald Eugene Graybeal of Newport, Tennessee was sentenced to almost twelve years in prison after causing a fatal accident on Interstate 40 in Orange County, North Carolina in 2011.  The accident happened when Graybeal failed to stop in time at a place in the road where it went from three…

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Legal Malpractice in Tennessee Can Arise out of any Type of Civil Case

Legal malpractice occurs when an attorney behaves in a negligent manner or breaches an agreement while representing a client, which leads to actual harm that can be calculated in financial terms.  These cases are particularly difficult because the attorneys handling the legal malpractice case must demonstrate that the outcome of the underlying case would have…

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Nursing Home Falls are a Deadly Threat to Loved Ones

The decision to put your loved one in a nursing home is an incredibly difficult one to make.  Usually, there are many discussions that take place, attempts made to meet the increasing demands of medical visits, personal errands, and physical assistance, and alternatives considered.  However, when the decision finally is made, it often involves relief…

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Nursing Home Falls Lead to Severe Head Injury

In October 2013, the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) released a study on falls in long-term care facilities.  This study reviewed footage that captured 227 falls and discovered that in thirty-seven percent (37%) of the falls, the victims hit their heads.  Of these falls involving impact to the head, sixty-three percent (63%) involved a fall…

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Forceps can Cause Serious Injuries when used during Delivery

When parents learn that they are pregnant, they plan for many things, including preparing the baby’s room for when they come home.  One of the things that they probably never think about is discussing with their doctor whether or not forceps would be used during the delivery.  However, the decision to use these tools at…

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A Doctor’s Improper Use of Forceps May have Cost Baby Her Life

On December 28, 2013, a young Texas couple welcomed their newborn daughter.  However, the joy of her birth was short-lived as the infant was purportedly harmed through the unsuccessful use of forceps during labor and the infant suffered from severe injuries at the time of her delivery.  According to ABC News, the couple alleges that…

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Medical Malpractice Results when a Doctor Fails to get Informed Consent

There are many different ways that a doctor can commit medical malpractice, including wrong site surgery, leaving a foreign object inside the patient, and prescribing the wrong medication, among many other errors.  However, one of the ways in which a doctor can commit malpractice is by failing to get the patient’s informed consent to the…

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Patient Sues Podiatrist after Surgery Leads to Complications

When you undertake a medical procedure, there always are risks involved.  It is the role of the doctor to describe those risks to the patient in a manner that the he or she can understand.  The doctor also needs to describe the potential benefits so that the patient can weigh the pros and cons and…

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Broadside Collisions Lead to Serious Harm in Tennessee

As a driver, you expect to get into at least one car accident during your lifetime.  This is not something to be anticipated, merely accepted based on the statistical probabilities that currently exist.  What you do not expect is the sudden and life-changing impact that sends your vehicle sideways at a great rate of speed…

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T-Bone Accidents Happen in Intersections Throughout Tennessee

The type of accident where one vehicle impacts the side of another vehicle is known as a T-bone accident in common parlance.  This type of collision also is referred to as a side-angle or broadside crash.  They frequently lead to serious injuries due to the high rate of speed at which the impacting vehicle usually…

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Tractor-trailer Accidents Continue to Claim Lives in Tennessee

On December 4, 2013, a 23 year old man from Hillsboro, Tennessee was traveling eastbound on Interstate 24 when he traveled from the left lane into the right lane and impacted the rear-end of a tractor-trailer traveling in the same direction.  The impact led to the 2013 Nissan Sentra that the man was driving getting…

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Improper Maintenance Leads to Commercial Truck Accidents in Tennessee

Anyone who has traveled the Interstates and highways with large commercial trucks likely has experienced a moment when they had truck come barreling up behind them or entering a roadway when you had nowhere to go and you hoped that the truck’s brakes were working properly.  This actually is a very serious concern because many…

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Motorcycle Accidents Lead to Severe Road Rash in Tennessee

When the average person considers the impact of injuries from bike accidents, he might think about tragic accidents like the one that claimed the life of a biker in Murfreesboro, Tennessee at the end of October, when a motorcycle and a vehicle collided at an intersection.  These violent collisions lead to broken bones, internal injuries,…

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Road Defects and Driveways a Hazard to Tennessee Motorcyclists

Tennessee’s weather and beautiful countryside lend themselves to enjoying getting on a bike and riding throughout the year.  It is easy to forget everything while enjoying the open road, but defects in the roadways and hidden dangers from driveways pose treacherous threats to bikers every day. Many bikers are aware of the potential for harm…

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Wrong-Site Brain Surgery: a Rare, Yet Serious Problem

Wrong-site surgeries occur when a surgeon performs an operation on the wrong part of the body, performs the wrong procedure on the patient, or performs surgery on the wrong patient.  These errors are serious and have life-threatening consequences.  However, most of these wrong-site surgeries do not involve surgery on the wrong part of the brain,…

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Wrong-Site Surgery a Serious Concern for Patients in Tennessee

It is almost comical to think about the surgical patient who takes a black Sharpie marker and marks a large arrow with the notation to “operate here,” but the fact that this is necessary is a scary reality in many hospitals today. Wrong-site surgeries are among the most serious of hospital errors that can occur. …

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