Medical Malpractice Can Happen During Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery, or plastic surgery as it is often called, includes a wide variety of procedures that are intended to enhance the appearance of the patient, or to repair the patient’s injuries through skin grafts or reconstruction. As with any type of medical procedure, patients who undergo cosmetic surgery are at risk for being damaged…

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Former GPS Headmaster Dies in Single Car Accident

Unfortunately, whenever you get into your car and drive somewhere, it is possible that you will be involved in an automobile accident. While some accidents involve multiple vehicles, others involve only one vehicle. Any car accident can be deadly, but for some reason, single-car crashes claim more lives than other types of motor vehicle accidents.…

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Four Reasons to Hire an Experience Memphis Auto Accident Attorney

If you have been involved in an automobile accident, you may be wondering whether or not you should retain a Tennessee Automobile Accident Attorney to assist you with your case. While filing a claim for damages with your insurance company may seem like a simple and straightforward item of business that you could take care…

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Rider and Passenger Injured in Motorcycle Crash

On April 22, 2014, a motorcycle crash on I-75 left a rider and his passenger with serious injuries. The accident occurred around 11:30 in the morning, when a TDOT truck pulled onto the roadway in front of the motorcycle. The rider of the motorcycle, Elvis Daugherty, was unable to avoid hitting the truck and collided…

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New Rules for Truckers Focus On Safety

It has been almost a year since some very important changes were made to the Federal laws which regulate the work of commercial truck drivers. These changes were designed to reduce the number of fatalities which are caused by accidents involving commercial vehicles. It is estimated that between three and four thousand Americans are killed…

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Medical Malpractice Suit Revived By Tennessee Supreme Court

If you suffered an injury as a result of the negligence of a medical professional, you would probably want to seek recovery for your injury through a medical malpractice lawsuit. If you filed such a lawsuit, it would be devastating if the suit were dismissed by the court, as that would prevent you from being…

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Inmate Files Lawsuit Against Correct Care Solutions in Memphis

Last month I filed a lawsuit on behalf of the family of a mentally ill inmate who died while in custody at the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center. The lawsuit names both Shelby County and the private prison company that provides medical services for inmates, Correct Care Solutions. In this case, the plaintiffs allege that Correct Care…

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Memphis Rental Moving Truck Accidents

The constant influx of people relocating throughout the Memphis metropolitan area results in many families renting moving trucks to facilitate their relocation.  When renting a moving truck or trailer, most patrons presume that the vehicles are properly maintained and safe, but the failure of truck rental companies to conduct proper maintenance can lead to tires…

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Rental Moving Truck Accidents in Tennessee

Rental truck accidents can result in severe debilitating injuries and fatalities when the vehicles are not properly maintained or they are entrusted to inexperienced and unqualified drivers.  If you have additional questions about rental trailer and moving truck accidents after reviewing this blog, we invite you to contact us to schedule a free consultation with…

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Elderly Drivers: Striking the Right Balance between Independence and Safety

The balance between maintaining independence and safety as motorists grow older is never easy.  The ability to drive is often critical to a senior citizen’s sense of living independently.  However, sometimes seniors experience declines in their sensory perception, including poor eyesight and loss of hearing.  Seniors also may experience age-related medical conditions that impact their…

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Text Messaging While Driving Is More Dangerous Than Most Think

While most Tennessee drivers recognize that cell phone use while driving is hazardous, fewer appreciate the full extent of the danger posed by text messaging.  Many public safety organizations have begun referring to texting while driving as “the new DUI,” but the practice does not yet generate the same sense of moral outrage as drunk…

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Birth Injuries Caused By Delayed Cesarean Section

When a baby is being delivered, the medical professionals who are attending the birth must continuously assess the health of the baby and the mother, as well as the progress of labor.  Many mothers desire a natural birth, and medical professionals should do what they can to help each mother deliver naturally when it is…

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Tennessee Trucker Killed in Catastrophic Virginia Tractor Trailer Wreck

Accidents involving tractor trailers cause greater amounts of property damage and more severe injuries than accidents where only passenger vehicles are involved. The sheer size and weight of these enormous vehicles, as well as the way that they are constructed, create the potential for very serious accidents. When two or more tractor trailers are involved…

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Legal Malpractice and the Economy

There are many things that tend to happen when our nation experiences an economic downturn such as the recent recession. Some of them are fairly obvious, like upticks in crime and unemployment rates. Other trends are less obvious, and not many people are aware of them. One such trend is the incidence of legal malpractice…

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What to do After a Motorcycle Accident in the State of Tennessee

Some riders never think about what they would do if they were involved in a motorcycle accident. Despite the stories that they see on the news about tragic motorcycle wrecks, they go on thinking that motorcycle accidents are something that only happens to other people. Knowing in advance what you should do in the minutes…

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What You Need to Know About Settlement Offers

If you have been involved in an automobile accident, do not be surprised if the other driver’s insurance company offers you a settlement shortly after the crash. If you have recently received a settlement offer, you are probably wondering whether or not you should accept it. When you receive a settlement offer, the most important thing…

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Memphis Boy Disfigured by Botched Circumcision

When parents learn that they are expecting a baby boy, one of the first things that they discuss, after debating what his name will be, is whether he should be circumcised. If they choose to circumcise, they must also decide when the procedure will take place. According to pediatricians, the procedure can be safely performed…

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Nashville Accident Leads to Safety Improvements

An accident which occurred in Nashville in November of 2013 was one of two incidents which have prompted Tesla Motors Inc. to offer a voluntary underbody retrofit to owners of its Model S sports sedans. On November 6, 2013, the driver of a Tesla Model S pulled onto the median of I-24 South because the…

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2013 Road Check Results Provide a Snapshot of Trucking Safety Issues

Every year, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) conducts a three-day safety enforcement program on highways all over North America. During the three-day event, it is estimated that fourteen trucks or buses are inspected every minute by CVSA-certified inspectors. The program is designed to check compliance with commercial vehicle safety regulations. During Road Check, inspectors…

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Volunteer Firefighter Killed in Hixson Motorcycle Crash

On March 30, 2014, a deadly motorcycle crash claimed the life of twenty nine year old Joey Rutherford. Mr. Rutherford was a father, and a volunteer firefighter in the Lone Oak community. The accident occurred on Hixson Pike, near the entrance to the Northgate Mall. Rutherford was riding with a group of other bikers when…

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