Risperdal May Cause Boys to Develop Female Breast Tissue

Concern is growing at an alarming rate about the damaging side effects of Risperdal in young boys.  If your son developed female breast tissue, known as Gynecomastia, while taking Risperdal your family may be entitled to compensation.  If you have any questions about this drug or your legal rights, call us for a FREE CONSULTATION…

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For a Safe Trip, Get in the Know Before You Go

Many motorcycle enthusiasts enjoy taking their bikes on vacation with them. Road trips on motorcycles can be exciting and memorable experiences. Whether you are planning a cross-country trip, an excursion to a motorcycle rally a few states away, or a weekend camping trip in the next state, there are a few things that you can…

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New Legislation Ousts Pre-Settlement Finance Companies From Tennessee

Victims of automobile accidents may now face a rougher road to recovery than they have in the past, now that pre-settlement legal finance companies are ceasing to do business in Tennessee because of the passage of new legislation. The new legislation, SB-1360, places price controls and other restrictions on pre-settlement legal finance products that would…

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Legal Malpractice Actions Contain a Case Within a Case

One of the things that a legal malpractice plaintiff must prove in order to win the case against the defendant attorney is that the defendant attorney’s mistake was fatal to their case. That is, they must provide the court with evidence that had the attorney not made the mistake that they did, then the case…

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Tennessee Attorney Disbarred for Mishandling Client Funds

Last November, the Supreme Court of Tennessee upheld the decision of the Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee to disbar an attorney who had mishandled his clients’ funds in numerous ways. The case of George Ernest Skouteris Jr. serves as an example of some of the ways in which attorneys can…

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Prescription Drugs May Cause Birth Defects

In the early 1960’s, a morning sickness drug called Thalidomide made headlines as the death or disfigurement of thousands of babies was found to have been caused by it. Prescription drugs are powerful substances, and they can have impacts on our bodies which extend far beyond relief of the symptoms for which they were prescribed.…

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What You Need to Know About Tennessee Delivery Truck Accidents

Every day, you share the road with many kinds of vehicles, including delivery trucks like those that are driven by people who deliver packages for companies like UPS and FedEx. These vehicles, like every other vehicle on the road, are always at risk of being involved in an accident. While delivery trucks are smaller than…

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Post-Motorcycle Accident Tips for Maximum Recovery

Did you know that there are things that you can do after you have been injured in a Tennessee motorcycle accident which can actually increase your chances of obtaining the financial recovery that you deserve? While some of the factors which will contribute to the outcome of your motorcycle accident case are out of your…

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How to Document Nursing Home Abuse

If you believe that an elderly relative is a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, there are two important things that you must do immediately to protect them. The first thing to do is to report the abuse to the Adult Protective Services Division of the Tennessee Department of Human Services. After the abuse…

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Memphis Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Warn of Dangerous Curves

On May 28, 2014, a motorcycle went off of a road in North Nashville after coming out of a curve. The motorcycle tumbled down a steep embankment, taking its driver, twenty five year old Corey Hockett, with it. Hockett died on impact, and neither he nor his motorcycle were discovered until hours after the crash.…

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One Person Killed in Accident Involving Two Tractor Trailers

On Friday, May 23, 2014, two tractor trailers collided in an early morning accident on the westbound side of Interstate 24. The driver of one truck was killed instantly as his truck crashed into the back end of the other truck. The impact caused the trucks to become stuck together, and the force of the…

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Tennessee Nursing Homes Receive the Highest Average Fines in America

Tennessee has the dubious honor of being home to five of the twenty most “monetary fined” nursing homes in all of America. This news is likely to be rather unsettling, especially for nursing home residents and their families, because the fines which are assessed to nursing homes result from the results of nursing home inspections…

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Unusual Connection Found Between Pregnancy and Automobile Accidents

For all of the things that we know increase the risk of being involved in an automobile accident, there are, apparently, some rather surprising things that increase one’s automobile accident risk. Everyone knows that distractions of all forms increase the risk of having an accident. Likewise, it is well established that speeding increases accident risk.…

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Medical Malpractice Causes More Deaths Than People May Realize

Did you know that medical malpractice is a leading cause of death in the United States? That’s right, medical malpractice is right at the top of the list of common causes of American deaths, right alongside such notorious killers as cancer and cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that between two hundred thousand and four hundred…

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Big Trucks Cause Big Accidents

On May 20, a major accident near Clarksville caused the entire westbound side of Interstate 24 to be closed for about six hours. Three tractor trailers were involved in the accident, along with a box truck. As a result of the road closure, traffic had to be diverted along alternate routes, and drivers experienced backups…

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Safety Tips for Motorcycle Riders in Tennessee

May is when riding season gets into full swing in Tennessee and elsewhere. It is also Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Since motorcycles are taking to the roads in increased numbers, it is important that the drivers of all vehicles make an effort to be on the lookout…

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Sometimes Non-Clients Can Recover Damages for Legal Malpractice

It may seem as though the only people who can sue attorneys for legal malpractice are the clients or former clients of the attorneys who are alleged to have committed malpractice. An interesting case out of New Jersey, Innes v. Marzano-Lesnevich v. Leibowitz, 435 N.J.Super 198, 87 A.3d 775 (April 7, 2014), illustrates how sometimes,…

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Two Tennessee Attorneys Indicted for Extortion

Attorneys, like other professionals who provide services, are permitted to use reasonable methods to attempt to collect payments from their clients. Reasonable methods of collecting payments from clients usually include verbal or written correspondence from the attorney asking the client to contact them to make arrangements to pay their bill. Sometimes, mediation, arbitration, and in…

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What You Need to Know About Newborn Jaundice

Many parents-to-be are familiar with the term jaundice. Jaundice is a condition where elevated levels of bilirubin cause the skin of some newborn babies to take on a yellowish hue. It is not an uncommon condition, and doctors have become adept at detecting and treating it. What parents need to know about jaundice is that…

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