Drunk Driver Causes Tragic Wrongful Death of Two Passengers

Motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of accidental death in the U.S. However, when the accident is the result of the negligent or reckless behavior of another person it makes a sad situation even more tragic. In early April 2015, two passengers died when the car they were riding in crashed into a…

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Why Would a Personal Injury Attorney Turn Down Your Case?

You have been injured in a car accident and you are thinking that you have a pretty strong case that might result in a nice settlement for you. Are you guaranteed to get a personal injury attorney to take on your case? Not necessarily. Sometimes lawyers turn down cases that seem like “slam dunks” to…

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Am I Medically Qualified to Receive Social Security Disability?

After the Social Security Administration has verified that you are financially eligible to receive SSD benefits, they will send your application to the Disability Determination Services, a state agency that will evaluate your medical condition to determine if you qualify for benefits. How does the SSA define disability? The SSA will only pay when a…

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Doctor Convinces Patients to Undergo Dangerous and Unnecessary Surgeries

An Ohio spine surgeon faces federal charges of health-care fraud and making false statements, in addition to numerous medical malpractice claims, because he allegedly convinced patients to have surgical procedures that they did not need. Dr. Abubakar Atiq Durrani is accused of telling some of his patients that without spinal surgery “they risked paralysis or…

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What are the Most Common Causes of Multiple-Vehicle Crashes?

The recent ice storms and snowy weather in Tennessee have caused several crashes on area highways as drivers lose control of their vehicles on slick, dangerous roads. According to the NHTSA, in 2012 there were about 2.3 million people injured and 33,561 fatalities in auto accidents in the U.S. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety…

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How to Identify and Report Nursing Home Abuse in Tennessee

Americans are living much longer these days. A report from the National Center on Elder Abuse Administration on Aging says that in 2010, there were 5.8 million people aged 85 or older. By the year 2050 they estimate that there will be 19 million people in that age group. Given that the elder age group…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Birth Injuries

When parents-to-be go into the delivery room, they have high expectations of coming out with a healthy, happy baby to begin their new lives together. When a baby is injured in the process of being born, it can cause physical problems for the child and emotional challenges for the hopeful parents as they attempt to…

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Tennessee Takes Safety at Railroad Crossings Seriously

Some of the most devastating motor vehicle accidents occur when passenger vehicles are struck by trains. Trains are so much bigger and heavier than cars, and they are often unable to stop in time to avoid a collision with a vehicle that is on the railroad tracks. All railroad crossings are not designed in the…

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Defective Medical Device Product Recalls

Medical devices that are either implanted in the body or are used externally can save lives and help bring a better quality of life to the people that use them. However, some medical devices are defective and can harm and injure you rather than help and heal you. Thousands of people die each year and…

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Big Trucks Banned on “The Dragon”

Motorcycle enthusiasts know that there are certain stretches of road out there that just beg to be ridden. All across America there are roads that take motorists and bikers through places of awe-inspiring natural beauty. Sometimes, part of the appeal in driving on some of these roads is the design of the roads themselves. Roads…

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Can Profiling Injured Workers in Tennessee Lead to Better Care?

When a person is injured on the job in Tennessee, is there a way to predict how well a treatment plan will work? Are there outside predictors for worker outcomes that no one has examined? That is what the Workers Compensation Research Institute set out to find in its latest study conducted via telephone with…

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Your Herbal Supplements May Be More Dangerous Than You Think

It recently came to light that the herbal supplements sold in stores like Walmart, Target, Walgreens and GNC may contain little to none of the herbs they claim to possess. In some cases, the supplements contained nothing more than powdered rice and harmless house plants, and posed no true risk to the people who took…

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Truck Accidents on the Rise in Tennessee

Truck accidents tend to make the news because of how large the truck is – and because of how extensive the damage can be. If the numbers from the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security are any indication, accidents involving large trucks are on the rise. So far, there have been seven fatalities in…

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Tennessee Ranked 46th When it Comes to Car Accident Insurance

Tennessee has some of the most beautiful roads and highways in the country – but if you get into an accident on one of those roads, you may be in more trouble than you think. WalletHub’s assessment of which states are riskiest for drivers based on the states’ insurance requirements placed Tennessee squarely in the…

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