Why Brachial Plexus Injuries Are So Damaging

Imagine having to take your baby through surgery to correct a serious injury that can affect their arms. Imagine losing the feeling in your arm after suffering from a motorcycle accident. This is the reality for victims of a brachial plexus injury. These injuries can leave a person’s arms paralyzed. The consequences are even more…

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New Genetic Test Shows May Detect Birth Defects Faster

A new revolution in technology could drastically change the way genetic tests are done. Just this summer, the New York Times reported that a new genetic test went through a small trial after ten years of development to detect genetic birth defects in embryos, fetuses, and tissue obtained after miscarriage. This type of test is…

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Non-Traditional Therapies for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a series of disorders that affect mobility, muscle tone, and posture. CP is often caused by medical malpractice during the birth of a newborn. Children with CP generally have difficulty walking and coordination difficulties. They may have difficulty swallowing and speaking. Some children with CP have cognitive disabilities in addition to…

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What Is the Most Common Birth Injury?

Of all the types of birth injuries a baby could sustain, the most common is a head injury. Head and brain injuries can be caused by trauma or oxygen deprivation, and they can have life-long repercussions for your child and your family. Medical providers like OB/GYNs or certified midwives should anticipate the many types of…

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The Dangers of Using NSAIDs When You’re Pregnant

The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is concerned that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen may pose a danger to women who are 20 weeks or more into their pregnancy. The concern is that the NSAIDs may cause their unborn child to develop kidney problems which can result in low amounts…

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Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Birth Injuries

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a common breathing disorder birth injury. Prenatal doctors and birth doctors need to monitor parents and newborns for this condition. Failure to properly diagnose and treat RDS may constitute medical malpractice. Prenatal doctors should work to try to prevent premature births through prenatal care and monitoring. RDS often occurs in…

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The Dangers of Out-of-Hospital Births

Having a baby is one of the sweet joys of life. To help ensure that the delivery goes well and that the child is healthy, it helps for the mother to have the best medical care possible. That means getting regular checkups with physicians and having the baby delivered by experienced health providers who are…

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What Are the Most Common Risks of Your Child Developing a Birth Injury?

Every year, thousands of children throughout the United States are born with injuries as a result of trauma or negligence during the delivery process. Many birth injuries can be remedied through certain treatments or with surgery. However, many children suffer long-lasting damage to their bodies, including lifelong disabilities that occurred around the time of birth.…

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What Are the Most Common Types of Birth Injury?

You really need to know about birth injury law in Tennessee. The most catastrophic cases are generally CP, cerebral palsy cases and here’s what you need to know. Tennessee has the shortest statute of limitations of any state in the country. It’s three years – three years from the date of birth. It’s very important…

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What You Should Know about Umbilical Cord Injuries

The birth of a baby is supposed to be an exciting and enjoyable time, but parents-to-be are often met with panic when they find out that there are injuries to the umbilical cord that is attached to their little one. Unfortunately, umbilical cord injuries can have lifelong effects, and failure to detect and treat a…

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Are Birth Injuries and Epilepsy Connected?

The condition of epilepsy in children, which is characterized by unpredictable, recurring seizures, can occur due to a number of different causes. For instance, brain damage resulting from trauma at birth, including lack of oxygen to the brain or a severe brain infection can lead to the onset of epilepsy. According to Paul Carney, pediatric…

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New Tool May Help Doctors Detect Brain Injury in Newborns Earlier

The BBC reported in September 2018 that University College London has created a new medical device that can literally shine light into the diagnosis of newborn’s oxygen and energy levels. The device, called a broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), may help physicians assess whether the newborn has brain damage earlier than usual. A clinical study is…

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U.S. Is the Most Dangerous Place in Developed World to Give Birth

A recent article in USA TODAY highlighted some dangerous truths about giving birth in the United States. Writer Alison Young researched four years for her article “Hospitals know how to protect mothers. They just aren’t doing it.” Her article shared the news that the U.S. is currently the most dangerous place in the developed world…

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Lyme Disease and Birth Injuries

As the temperature warms, residents of Tennessee love to walk in wooded trails, parks, and places with lots of green grass. Unfortunately, these areas are attractive to ticks that carry Lyme disease. According to the March of Dimes, Lyme disease can cause death and catastrophic injuries. People with Lyme disease can develop brain damage, nerve…

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Should I Settle My Birth Injury Case?

Birth injuries can devastate newborns and families. Most families want nothing more than 10 fingers, 10 toes, and a healthy baby, so when something goes wrong, it turns your whole worldview upside down. You probably have a lot of questions for the doctors and yourself: What kind of care will your child need? What types…

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What is the Difference Between a Birth Injury and a Birth Defect?

When a newborn has a medical condition, it is not always clear whether it is because of a birth defect or a birth injury. Birth injuries happen during delivery or immediately following delivery. A birth injury can occur when there is a complication during labor and delivery. The complication can stem from an act of…

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Facial Paralysis from Birthing Trauma

Our facial expressions allow us to communicate with the rest of the word without saying a single word. We are able to smile when we are happy and frown when we are upset. But for some children, this ability is taken from them at birth, often due to the negligent actions of a doctor. Facial…

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