Broadside Collisions Lead to Serious Harm in Tennessee

As a driver, you expect to get into at least one car accident during your lifetime.  This is not something to be anticipated, merely accepted based on the statistical probabilities that currently exist.  What you do not expect is the sudden and life-changing impact that sends your vehicle sideways at a great rate of speed after a broadside collision, also referred to as being T-boned.

There are three basic classifications for car accidents, which are front-end or head-on collisions, rear-end collisions, and broadside collisions.  Rear-end collisions occur when one vehicle impacts another one from behind.  This is the most common type of accident and can happen when traffic slows unexpectedly or when a vehicle comes around a corner or blind curve and runs into stopped traffic.  Although these accidents are common, they can lead to serious injuries.

Head-on collisions have the highest probability of a fatality.  These accidents happen when a car crosses the median into oncoming traffic or gets on the highway going the wrong way.  Often, the cars collide at a high rate of speed, leading to severe injuries.

The final general category of accidents is broadside collisions, where one car impacts another along the side.  These accidents result in the second highest number of fatalities after head-on crashes.  There are number of reasons why this happens.  In most vehicles today, there are fewer safety features on the side of the vehicle, as opposed to the front and back.  This has been improved slightly in cars that have side-impact airbags, but it is not perfect.  The construction of the vehicle is another reason injuries are so severe in broadside crashes.  When a car collides with the side of the car, there only is a window and door between the driver or passenger and the impacting vehicle.  This results in greater penetration into the interior of the car, often leading to crush injuries.  When the impact happens at the front or back of the vehicle, the hood or trunk absorbs some of the force in many vehicles.

The greater severity of the injuries also result from the higher speeds at which this type of accident occurs.  Frequently, these crashes happen when one vehicle is running a red light or accelerating through a turn, leading to greater impact force.  The driver that impacts the other vehicle at a side angle is liable for this type crash in most cases.  Distracted or aggressive driving may be the underlying cause.  Many of these accidents also happen when the other driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Regardless of the cause, the consequences are devastating in many instances.  The types of injuries often reported after a broadside collision include:

  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Organ damage;
  • Spinal cord injuries that result in paralysis;
  • Broken or crushed bones;
  • Side-to-side whiplash;
  • Permanent disfigurement; and
  • Severe lacerations and abrasions.

The severity of the injuries increases when the collision involves a heavier vehicle, such as a sport utility vehicle, light truck, van, or tractor-trailer.

Any car accident is a scary event to endure, but a broadside collision can be especially traumatic, leading to horrible injuries that never completely heal.  At dedicated and experienced Memphis car accident lawyers at Bailey & Greer, PLLC understand what you are going through and are here to alleviate some of the burdens that you currently are managing.  We will work with you on developing a legal strategy and then handle the specifics while you work towards your recovery.  Please call us at 901-680-9777 to schedule a meeting at your convenience.  At Bailey & Greer, PLLC, we are small enough to care, big enough to fight, and experienced enough to win.

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