New Genetic Test Shows May Detect Birth Defects Faster
A new revolution in technology could drastically change the way genetic tests are done. Just this summer, the New York Times reported that a new genetic test went through a small trial after ten years of development to detect genetic birth defects in embryos, fetuses, and tissue obtained after miscarriage. This type of test is…
Read MoreViruses Really Do Increase the Risk of Pregnancy Complications and Birth Trauma
The recent COVID pandemic has created an abundance of new statistics and facts that scientists and medical professionals have been scrambling to collect and analyze. One of these startling new statistics has to do with pregnant mothers who catch the COVID virus, and the effect the illness has on their unborn child and themselves. While…
Read MoreMood Shifts and Behavioral Changes from Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries can happen almost anywhere – from traffic accidents, to sports, to an icy patch of pavement outside your local grocery store. Sometimes, they are mild injuries that require little medical treatment or intervention, and you are left with no lingering side effects or conditions. Other times, traumatic brain injuries can leave you…
Read MoreNew Law Eliminates Civil Statute of Limitations for Child Sex Abuse Victims
We take all forms of child sex abuse extremely seriously, so when a new law was passed that eliminated the civil statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims, we were elated. Far too often, victims of sexual abuse are prevented from receiving compensation from their abusers and those otherwise responsible because they are past…
Read MoreHow to Keep Your New Driver Safe on Post-COVID Roads
The pandemic brought on a lot of changes to our daily lives, our old way of conducting business, and educating students. This applied to driving tests as well. After all, with DMV examiners seeing several people a day in the close confines of a car, the infection rate is not negligible. What that meant for…
Read MoreExactech Recalls Hip, Knee, and Ankle Replacements
Thousands of patients across the country recently received troubling news regarding their knee, ankle, and hip replacements. Surgical product company Exactech has initiated a recall involving the inserts in these joint replacement systems, as defects can cause premature wear of the device and a variety of potential injuries to the patient. If you or a…
Read MoreBeyond Cell Phones: Other Common Forms of Distracted Driving
Whenever we choose to operate any sort of motor vehicle, we have a duty to do so as safely as possible. Cars of any size can be deadly in a collision, and even motorcycles pose a threat in an accident. Heavy metal and speed is a dangerous combination. That is why drivers’ education classes and…
Read MoreMost Serious Injuries Caused by Drunk Drivers in Memphis
Drunk driving is illegal for a reason — namely, for how incredibly dangerous it is. When someone gets behind the wheel under the influence of any substance, they are not able to drive safely. Unfortunately, this often leads to catastrophic accidents with other, innocent drivers on the road. Depending on how the collision occurred, victims…
Read MoreUnderstanding Failure to Warn in Product Liability Cases
Making and distributing a product isn’t as simple as just, well, making and distributing. For something to be available to the public, it has a strict set of standards and requirements it must legally meet first. The idea behind regulation of any sort is safety, and product regulation is no different. When a company fails…
Read MoreCan Your Car’s Brand Affect Your Driving?
What do you look for in a car? Is there a color you specifically like? Do you prefer four-wheel drive or even off-road chains? Perhaps amenities are more your style, and you go for the car with the latest technology — something to make your life as easy as possible as you travel your way…
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