Can I Put a Camera in My Loved One’s Room at a Nursing Home?
We all want our loved ones to be safe and cared for, especially when we cannot be there to protect and care for them ourselves. It’s only common sense, then, to want to put a security camera of sorts in the nursing home where your family member lives. You want to make sure the caregivers…
Read MoreLiability for Bridge Strike Truck Accidents
Truck accidents happen for many reasons. Drivers who violate traffic laws or drive while distracted deserve to be held accountable. Trucking companies that place profit before safety must be held responsible. Truck parts manufacturers who make and install defective products should be held liable. The counties and the state of Tennessee may also be at…
Read MoreWhy Is Medical Malpractice Handled in Civil Court?
Anyone who is injured due to medical malpractice has the right to file a civil medical malpractice claim against negligent hospitals, doctors, and other healthcare providers. The families of anyone who dies due to medical malpractice have the right to file wrongful death claims against the negligent defendants. Wrongful death claims are also civil claims.…
Read MoreWhat Are Common Ship Deckhand Accidents?
For people who enjoy traveling or just being around bodies of water in general, the position of a deckhand sounds exciting. Deckhands are workers who play important roles in the operation and maintenance of a ship. While the image of a sailor may come to mind, deckhands also work on superyachts and other types of…
Read MoreHow Are Medical Bills Paid After a Car Accident Settlement?
After being involved in a car accident, there are two things you are concerned about: how you will recover from your injuries, and how you will pay for your recovery. There is no such thing as an inexpensive car accident. Even a simple fender bender accident can result in thousands of dollars in medical expenses.…
Read MoreThe True Dangers of Work Zones
For most of us, our typical reaction to driving up to a work zone is annoyance and frustration. On our commute to or from work, speeding down the freeway, the last thing we want is to be stopped — or even slowed down. After all, how much construction could one road need? Do they actually…
Read MoreIs Ride-Sharing Making Our Roads Safer?
The concept of ride-sharing has revolutionized both modern commuting and partying alike. You no longer need to designate one friend to be the sober driver after a night out in Memphis. Maybe your car is being worked on and renting a vehicle is entirely too expensive. Now, you have more options for better prices, even…
Read MoreAEB Systems Reduce Pedestrian Crashes – But Not at Night
In what seems like a losing battle, automatic emergency braking (AEB) systems are reducing the number of pedestrian crashes, but only during daylight hours or on well-lit roads. These systems are struggling to help drivers avoid hitting pedestrians when it is dark out. According to data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), these…
Read MorePandemic Saw Misuse of Prescription Drugs Soar Among Nurses
The misuse of prescription drugs soared during the pandemic at almost double the rate of the general population, according to a report in the Journal of Nursing Regulation. Despite the rise in misuse of prescription drugs by nurses, the group’s overall misuse of drugs was lower than the general population during the pandemic. The lead…
Read MoreWhy Hospitals Need Interpreters for Deaf Patients
A recent lawsuit illustrates why hospitals and doctors who treat deaf patients need to ensure proper communications between health providers and patients. The lawsuit was filed in federal court against Parkwest Hospital and Covenant Health, which are both located in Knoxville, Tennessee. The lawsuit claims that a deaf patient’s leg was partially amputated improperly, and…
Read MoreWill Teen Truckers Ease Supply Chain Shortages, or Make Roads Less Safe?
The trucking industry needs more drivers. There are many reasons why there is a shortage of drivers. It is a lonely job that takes drivers away from their families for days or weeks at a time. Driving can be quite monotonous, so it’s easy to get bored or distracted. It’s also difficult to drive a…
Read MoreWomen Are Being Stalked by Apple AirTags
Apple AirTag is a tracking device that helps people find lost objects such as keys, wallets, luggage, and purses. The application uses Apple’s “Find My” feature to help locate the devices. Reports surfaced in 2021 that these devices, which detect Bluetooth signals, are being used in dangerous ways. According to Tom’s Guide, one Twitter user…
Read MoreParalyzed Passenger Seeks $63 Million in Damages from Uber
Rideshare drivers are liable to their passengers for the accidents they cause. Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft can be held liable to passengers provided their driver was “on duty” when he/she was transporting the passenger. This is why both companies have policies in place for accident claims that cover up to $1 million in…
Read MoreWhat Are the Deadliest Types of Car Accidents in Tennessee?
Some accidents are much more likely to result in deaths than others. Odds are if a driver rear-ends you while you’re stopped at a traffic light, you’re not going to die. On the other hand, if a drunk driver crosses lanes and strikes your car while you’re both driving at 60 mph, the odds that…
Read MoreWhen Do Implied and Express Consent Failures Constitute Medical Malpractice?
Victims of slip and fall accidents, motor vehicle crashes, and product defects often require medical treatments. Even Tennessee residents who don’t have accidents may need medical treatment for their diseases and medical conditions. These victims and patients aren’t doctors. They rely on their healthcare providers to inform them about their medical condition, the possible treatments,…
Read MoreWho Is Liable for a Truck Accident in Tennessee?
Truck accidents are extremely dangerous. The size and weight of tractor-trailers, rigs, and other commercial trucks mean that when cars and trucks collide, the occupants of the car are likely to die or suffer catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries include spinal cord injuries, head trauma, burns, and internal organ damage. Truck accidents also cause broken bones…
Read MoreNon-Traditional Therapies for Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a series of disorders that affect mobility, muscle tone, and posture. CP is often caused by medical malpractice during the birth of a newborn. Children with CP generally have difficulty walking and coordination difficulties. They may have difficulty swallowing and speaking. Some children with CP have cognitive disabilities in addition to…
Read MoreThomas Greer Secures $9,400,000 Jury Verdict Against Cracker Barrel
Bailey & Greer, PLLC is proud to announce that partner Thomas Greer recently secured a $9.4M jury verdict on behalf of a client who suffered long-term injury after being served toxic chemicals at Cracker Barrel. The jury returned a verdict for compensatory damages of $4.3 million in just 30 minutes – one of the fastest…
Read MoreWhat Are the Most Commonly Misdiagnosed Diseases?
When you’re feeling lousy, you need to see a doctor for help. You rely on the doctor to ask about your medical history and your current symptoms. You expect your doctor to conduct a physical examination that focuses on all your symptoms and complaints. Patients also anticipate that the ER doctors, their family doctors, or…
Read MoreHow Technology and Regulations Can Reduce Fatal Traffic Accidents
There are many different ways to try to make cars and trucks safer. New technology is constantly being developed to help drivers anticipate and respond to traffic emergencies. Regulations help ensure that cars have the equipment they need and that manufacturers ensure that their products are free from defects that cause terrible accidents. Litigation also…
Read MoreUsing Technology to Increase Driver Safety
All drivers should understand the basics of safe driving. Don’t drive while you’re distracted, tired, or intoxicated. Obey the Tennessee traffic laws. Drivers should understand how to drive when it’s raining, snowing, foggy, or too sunny. But as cars and trucks become more technologically advanced, driver safety may rely more on technology than good ol’…
Read MoreWhy You Should Never Accept an Initial Settlement Offer
When accidents happen and you are injured, you deserve the maximum recovery the law permits. For an injury of any severity, you could face mounting bills for hospitalization, doctor visits, therapy, assistive devices, and medications. You’ll lose money every day you can’t do your job. You may suffer PTSD or be unable to care for…
Read MoreDump Truck and Garbage Truck Accidents in Memphis and Jackson
Trucks come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Each type of truck requires unique driving skills and may be prone to certain types of accidents. For example, 18-wheelers and huge commercial trucks that transport goods throughout Tennessee and across the country are prone to rollovers, jackknives, and wide-turn accidents. When commercial trucks are involved…
Read MoreWhat Is Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain is pain that lasts for more than three months. The pain may be constant, or it may come and go. Any part of your body can have chronic pain as a result of a fall, a car accident, or any other type of accident. Often, chronic pain lingers even after you have had…
Read MoreNHTSA Predicts at Least 200 Autonomous Vehicle Crashes Annually
Self-driving cars and trucks have been in development for a long time. Already most new cars have computer software that automates some aspects of the car’s driving as well as the car’s safety. The long-term goal of manufacturers is to develop vehicles that won’t require any drivers at all. For now, the movement is toward…
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