What Are the Dangers Associated with Rollover Accidents?

Cars, sport utility vehicles, crossover utility vehicles, jeeps, all-terrain vehicles, and many types of trucks have one thing in common – they’re all susceptible to rollover accidents. Rollovers occur due to physical forces which cause the vehicle to fall to the side or flip over onto the roof of the car. Rollover accidents are often…

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Coping When Your Child Has a Birth Injury

Adjusting to life can be difficult for parents whose children suffer from the effects of birth injuries. Along with the challenges of caring for a child with special needs, there is the loss of the future they planned. In cases where a child will never be able to care for him or herself, the pressure…

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How a Driver Is Paid May Affect the Likelihood of a Truck Accident

Many truck driver accidents happen because drivers want to make their deliveries too quickly. To improve speed and efficiency, drivers may feel the need to cut corners. One way to cut corners is by speeding or running through red lights and stop signs. Another way to cut corners is to drive continually instead of taking…

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What Do You Need to Prove in a Medical Malpractice Claim?

Everyone who has any type of medical procedure has the right to expect that their physicians, nurses, hospitals, and other health providers are competent. Doctors should be trained to anticipate the known risks to procedures and treatments. They should take steps to ensure a diagnosis is correct. When patients are harmed due to medical error,…

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Want Graceful Kids? Don’t Name Them Hailey or Kyle.

Shakespeare wrote in Romeo and Juliet, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.” We’re not suggesting you change your name, but a recent study shows that your likelihood of having an accident may depend on your name. Uplift Legal Funding issued a study revealing…

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Study Finds Relationship Between COVID-19 and Neurological Injuries

It’s wonderful news that there appear to be two vaccines for the COVID-19 disease. Hopefully, the world will return to normal soon. For some people who contract the disease, however, their world may never return to fully normal. Studies are showing that about one in seven COVID-19 patients have neurological disorders. These disorders range from…

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Snapchat Avoids Accountability in Court – Again

In product liability cases, manufacturers of products have a duty to make their products safe for the reasonably intended use. For example, cars need to be built so that the airbags deploy properly when there is a collision. If the product is defective and the defect causes an accident, then the makers of the product…

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Lane Departure Truck Accidents

Trucks have terrible sight lines. The length, breadth, and width of most trucks make it impossible for the driver to see some of the surrounding traffic. The dangers of blind spots are especially increased for semi-trucks which can run more than 70 feet long. Trucks are often loaded with heavy and shifting cargo and are…

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What Causes Compartment Syndrome?

Compartment syndrome is a serious injury that occurs when pressure within the muscles builds to dangerous levels. The higher the pressure, the lower the blood flow throughout the body, which prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching muscle and nerve cells. There are two types of compartment syndrome: acute and chronic. If you are suffering from…

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The Vatican Urges Clergy to Report Cases of Sexual Abuse

The Vatican recently published a handbook that outlines how investigations and reporting of abuse are to be handled by priests, lawyers, and other members of the Catholic Church. The church has not created any new laws, but rather a guide for how these claims are to be investigated and reported. Per NPR, Cardinal Louis Ladaria,…

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Answering Your Questions about ATV Accidents and Injuries

What if I was injured on a four-wheeler? If you’re injured on a four wheeler or an ATV, depending on the facts, there’s various avenues that you can pursue in terms of recovery. So one would be if you’re a passenger on an ATV, you may have a claim against the driver of the ATV.…

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Coronavirus May Cause Damage to the Heart

After several months of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be familiar with how the virus can affect the body, particularly the lungs. Even though some people who test positive for the coronavirus have minimal or manageable symptoms, others have relied on ventilators for weeks to help them survive. Other information and evidence from clinical data…

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Will My Case Go to Trial?

 It’s a very common, understandable question, and the short answer is “it depends.” It depends on whether or not the insurance company or the corporate wrongdoer on the other side offers you enough money for you to say “I will accept that amount of money and I will not go to trial.” So ultimately…

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What Is a Defective Drug or Medical Device?

 Defective drug or medical device cases are something that we’re very familiar with at Bailey & Greer. The approval process for either a drug or a device goes to the FDA, and a lot of people think that the FDA does testing and that they have the facilities set up to make sure that…

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Negligent Trucking Companies: Speeding

Unfortunately, we see truck wreck cases all the time that are caused by a speeding truck driver. And the sheer damage that can be done by these 18-wheelers on the roadway is pretty horrific. When they’re fully loaded, they’re 80,000 pounds – and it doesn’t take much for them to do a lot of catastrophic…

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What Are the Most Common Risks of Your Child Developing a Birth Injury?

Every year, thousands of children throughout the United States are born with injuries as a result of trauma or negligence during the delivery process. Many birth injuries can be remedied through certain treatments or with surgery. However, many children suffer long-lasting damage to their bodies, including lifelong disabilities that occurred around the time of birth.…

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Can I Sue in Civil Court for a Sexual Assault?

In addition to the option of filing criminal charges, a victim of sexual assault may also have the option of filing a civil personal injury lawsuit against his or her alleged perpetrator. Today, we will examine how such a civil case may work and some of the potential difficulties involved in obtaining compensation from a…

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What Are the Top Causes of Trucking Accidents in Tennessee?

Well, the common things that we see in our practice are fatigue, and that could be the result of drivers driving too many hours, violating the Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations. We see lack of training. Oftentimes, the trucking companies have an incentive to get drivers out on the road, and they don’t do a…

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Does My Lawyer Get a Percentage of My Settlement Amount?

 The answer in most personal injury cases is “yes.” And the reason for that is ordinary people that just have a normal job cannot afford to pay lawyers hundreds of dollars an hour like insurance companies and like large corporations can afford. You have to hire a lawyer who will basically work for free,…

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Negligent Trucking Companies: Fatigued Drivers Kill

 We handle a lot of cases involving fatigued truck drivers. There’s lots of reasons that truckers will get out on the road being fatigued. There are federal regulations that require them to get a certain amount of rest, a certain amount of breaks in their shift, but often times they don’t comply with the…

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