Jet Ski Accidents Can Be Deadly

In the summer of 2020, there was a tragic accident that resulted in the death of a Mid-south man and his 6-year-old daughter. The driving mother and wife are distraught after what was supposed to be a fun day out on the water. Witnesses say that the father and daughter were on a personal watercraft…

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The Untold Story of Traumatic Brain Injury Victims

Traumatic brain injuries are usually presented as the result of car crashes or falls. While these are among the most common cause of TBIs, they are not the only ones. A recent article published in Scientific American looked at three underrepresented groups of TBI victims: domestic abuse victims, athletes, and soldiers. Today, we want to…

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Firefighters Face Increased Risk of Exposure to “Forever Chemicals”

Firefighters put their lives on the line to save everyday Americans from fires, no matter how dangerous the structures are. Aside for the risk of burns and suffocation, firefighters also risk exposure to deadly toxins. Some of these “forever chemicals” can cause long-term damage to firefighters’ bodies. Forever chemicals are poly-fluoroalkyl substances. These chemicals can…

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Foot and Ankle Injuries Related to Car Crashes

Have you ever tried to balance on one foot? Unless you have incredible core strength, it is tough to maintain for more than a few seconds. That’s because our balance is designed to be shared across both of our feet. In fact, each part of our foot contributes an important role to our ability to…

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What You Need to Know about Recovering from Burn Injuries

There are several ways someone can become injured from a burn. According to the American Burn Association’s latest data, there are approximately 486,000 burn injuries requiring medical treatment each year in the United States. While many severe burn victims do not initially feel any pain, that is not a lasting reaction. The medical treatment required…

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