Aging Tennessee Truckers and Legal Drug Use

Commercial truckers have a tough job; no one would dispute this fact. But when they use both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, the effects can be deadly behind the wheel of a big rig. In an interesting study published at, these effects are combined with the current job market to point out an increasing danger in the trucking industry.

The study begins with the fact that truck driving appeals less to younger workers these days. As a result, when current drivers retire, the trucking industry has been reaching out to an older workforce. In fact, the number of baby boomers who retire from one profession and continue working is increasing. And many of them are being retrained as truck drivers.

Some trucking companies have enrolled up to 30% of their replacement workforce with drivers over the age of 50.  And, older drivers means increased health problems; over 60% of Americans between the ages of 50 and 64 deal with at least one major health issue, the most common being high blood pressure or hypertension.

What does this mean for the trucking industry? As with all prescription drugs, high blood pressure medications have side effects. Some of the more frightening effects include:

  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Low blood pressure
  • Sleep disorders
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Heart failure

These are certainly not conditions we want to share on the road with the drivers of 18-wheelers. But, of course, we have no choice.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a Tennessee semi truck accident, you may want to contact a Memphis truck accident attorney to discuss your legal options. Call the traffic law experts at Bailey & Greer toll free today at 901-680-9777 or fill out the confidential form on this page for a free case consultation.

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