Why Are U.S. Truck Accident Statistics on the Rise?

All throughout the United States, the number of semi, tractor-trailer and commercial truck accidents is on the rise. Over 500,000 large truck accidents occurred on our nation’s roadways in 2010, causing approximately 100,000 injuries and 5,000 deaths. Compare this to the 3,200 fatalities in 2009, and the question must be asked:

Why are large truck accident statistics on the rise?

Every good question deserves a good answer and the main reason for these devastating numbers is that there are more trucks on the road. Because of this simple fact that the number of trucks hauling our nation’s freight increases every year, so do the chances of large truck accidents.

Consider the following:

  • The predicted increase of big trucks on U.S. roadways for 2012 is 20%.
  • Because there are more trucks, of course there are more truck drivers.
  • New drivers do not have the experience and knowledge of the older ones and may be more prone to making mistakes.
  • A greater number of trucks also increases the need for maintenance and repair, which can strain a trucking company’s resources.
  • Sometimes trucking companies offer their drivers incentives to be faster and save time. This can lead to driver fatigue and danger for those of us who share the road with these 18 wheel beasts.
  • Even though the total number of large trucks makes up only 4% of all vehicles on the roads, they account for 12% of all fatal crashes.
  • A host of violations can lead to crashes, including bad tires, inadequate braking systems and overloaded trucks.

If you or a loved one has been injured, or worse, in a Tennessee large truck accident, you should seek the advice of a Tennessee large truck accident attorney right away. Even though the number of trucks is increasing, that does not mean that the number of accidents should increase too.

It is the responsibility of the drivers, companies and government agencies to protect our citizens from large truck accidents. But until they are successful in reducing, not increasing, the statistics every year, call Bailey & Greer in Memphis toll free today at 901-680-9777 with your questions about this serious issue.

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