Two Killed in Bradley County, Tennessee I-75 Truck Accident

Two people were killed in a tragic accident in Bradley County, Tennessee on Interstate 75 early Monday, September 24, 2012. The crash involved a TDOT truck, a tractor-trailer and a highway patrol vehicle. Both the semi driver and a road worker were fatally injured.

53-year-old truck driver Charles Morgan and 28-year-old road worker, Nicholas Feller, were both pronounced dead as a result of the accident.

According to the initial facts of the crash report, at about 3:30 a.m., north of the Charleston exit, the three vehicles collided. Apparently Morgan was driving a load of live chickens through a construction zone, which was clearly marked.

Meanwhile, Ohio resident and employee of Traffic Specialists, Inc., Nicholas Feller, was working in the construction zone, marking the pavement with reflective lenses along the interstate. He was out of his truck when Morgan’s semi ran into the back of a Tennessee Department of Transportation truck, which struck and killed him.

A Tennessee state trooper was also injured in the accident when the other two trucks struck his vehicle. The trooper was treated and released from the hospital.

TDOT spokesman, Jennifer Flynn said of the tragedy, “Their whole lives have changed in an instant just because of a moment of inattention or something and it’s bad. They’re risking their lives every day just doing their jobs and it’s sobering.

Another truck driver at the scene, Tom Vogel, said that “the tractor trailer looked, I don’t know if it rolled over or what it did, but it was badly mangled.” He also said, “I’m sorry somebody had to die and we just need to constantly be alert and careful.”

TDOT reminds everyone of the “Move Over Law” which means that all drivers should switch lanes away from road crews, or to slow down if unable to switch.

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