CDC Study Reports Young Drivers at Greater Risk for Fatal Automobile Accidents

A recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that approximately 35,000 deaths tragically occur each year from motor vehicle accidents in the United States.  Among these, America’s youth, principally those between the ages of 15 and 24, were responsible for 22 percent of that total.  Overall, the study examined fatal automobile accidents that occurred from 2009 in the 50 most populated cities in America, including Memphis, Tennessee.  Specifically, it found that approximately 8.2 adults out of every 100,000 residents died in a car or truck accident.  This is actually lower than the national average, which is 11.1 deaths per 100,000 adult citizens in the United States. Sadly, the death rate in motor vehicle crashes for people for those aged 15-24 was reported at 10.9 deaths per 100,000 citizens, which is not only shocking, but also great cause for alarm.

The study also concluded that fatal motor vehicle crashes involving our nation’s youth are most likely to occur in the southern states.  In fact, Orlando, Memphis, and Miami had some of the highest rates of car crash deaths in the country.  The study said one reason for this may be “urban sprawl.”  The study also noted, though, that there may be other metropolitan areas with higher death rates.  This is because only 50 metro areas were included in the study.

In light of the above, there are several other reasons why young drivers are more vulnerable to accidents than their adult counterparts.  To illustrate, young drivers do not have the experience that most adults have operating a vehicle, which often comes in handy when dealing with unforeseen road hazards and the sudden onset of inclement weather.  Young people, generally speaking, are also more likely to engage in risky driving behavior.  This could include driving in dangerous conditions, speeding, texting while driving, drinking and driving, and driving with too many people in the car, among other things.

How can we protect our young drivers?

There are a number of ways in which fatal accidents among our youth can be prevented.  These are as follows:

  • Driving permits. One policy that has proven to be pretty effective at curbing the rate of fatal car crashes for young people is that of graduated driver’s licenses.  Meaning, requiring a young driver to obtain a permit to drive before they can actually earn a full driver’s license.   These permits limit young driver’s ability to drive independently early on and they can only drive with an adult.  As the young driver gets more experience, he or she gains more independence.  As the young driver grows in experience, he or she also gets a driver’s license with fewer restrictions.  According to another study, these efforts can reduce fatal car crashes among 16 year olds by an amazing16 percent. So, as a parent, it is important that you understand the limitations presented by your child’s permit and to follow its rules to help him or her become a safe and responsible driver.
  • Parental involvement.  Parents also play a crucial role.  Parents need to demonstrate to their kids by way of example as to using proper driving techniques and practices.  Some have suggested that parents should enter an agreement – a contract if you will – with their young drivers regarding how they should drive and under what conditions.  The agreement would lay out for the teenager what the parents’ requirements are for safe driving.  The agreement can also specify what privileges may be earned or lost by either abiding by, or disregarding, the agreement.
  • Requiring your child to take a driver’s education course.  There are a number of companies that help kids learn how to drive.  While you may think you are a good driver, you likely don’t have the training or education necessary to properly educate your child.  That is why it is crucial that you enroll your child in a program should his or her school not offer a course of this type.

Nobody wants to lose a loved one behind the wheel of a car.  It is always a sad event, but particularly when someone with “their whole life ahead of them” is the victim.  The experienced automobile accident attorneys at Bailey & Greer, PLLC are adept, highly skilled and have the training necessary to help victims recover for their losses.  We understand all you are going through. We families and individuals just like you with compassion and expertise.  Our experienced Tennessee auto accident attorneys represent personal injury victims located throughout Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Georgia, and Missouri.  Please call us today toll-free at 901-680-9777 to learn more about your legal options.

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