Wright Medical Technology Defective Hip Implant Lawsuits: Memphis, Tennessee Law Firm Investigating

Our firm is investigating possible lawsuits against Wright Medical Technology, which is based in Memphis, TN.  Several patients have already filed lawsuits claiming that the Wright Conserve hip replacement parts are defective.  Patients complain of a wide range of serious health problems associated with the defective hip and claim that Wright Medical did not properly warn them of the defect.

Metal on Metal Defect

The alleged defect stems from the use of so-call “metal on metal” hip joints, which can rub together and cause toxic metal debris to be released into the person’s blood stream.  The result of the hip defect has caused many patients to undergo revision or replacement surgeries and has led to long term health problems.

Common complaints about the defective hip implant include the following:

  • Severe and constant pain
  • Difficulty walking and standing
  • Hip fractures
  • Infections

Lawsuits filed Against Wright Medical Claim Metal Toxicity

The lawsuits filed so far have been consolidated into multi-district litigation in the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. In multi-district litigation, all of the cases in involving a particular product or drug are consolidated into one court for the purpose of pre-trial discovery. Multi-district litigation allows the plaintiffs to share resources and information and allows the cases to be resolved more efficiently.

Memphis Based Law Firm is Here to Help

At Bailey & Greer, we have the experience and resources to handle your defective hip lawsuit.  Contact us for a free consultation today by calling 901-680-9777 or fill out our free and confidential contact form.


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