The Risks of Motorcycling in Tennessee: What You Should Know

Motorcycle accidents can result in serious injury, and sometimes even death.  That is why it is vitally important for Tennessee motorcyclists to be aware of the risks they face on the road.  In fact, it is also crucial for all drivers to understand that motorcyclists are subject to the same set of road rules and regulations. With this in mind, consider the following statistics:

  • In over two-thirds of accidents involving motorcycles, the other vehicle (i.e., a car) intruded on the motorcyclist’s right of way, ultimately causing an accident.
  • Due to the natural lack of driver protection (in the sense of air bags, an enclosed passenger area, etc.) motorcyclists are 26 times more likely to die in a crash than someone riding in a car or truck.  In fact, riders are five times more likely to be injured under the same set of circumstances.
  • Per mile, motorcyclists are 16 times more likely to die in a crash than someone riding in a car or truck.  Riders are 3 times more likely to be injured.

For many reasons, motorcyclists face a number of dangers and risks that are inherent to motorcycling.  These are as follows:

  • Hidden road hazards.  It is important for motorcyclists to be on the look-out for hidden road hazardous, which could cause them to lose control of their vehicle.  Such hazards may include oil slicks, debris, puddles, potholes and even overgrown shrubbery.  Motorcyclists cannot always readily notice or avoid these potential hazards, which can result in a serious and life-threatening accident.
  • Poor road conditions. A poorly repaired/maintained road, i.e. one with pot holes, is not only difficult for a motorcyclist to maneuver, but could also cause serious injuries.  Due to a motorcyclist’s lack of protection (i.e. in the sense of air bags, etc.), nothing is able to absorb the impact between them and the ground or another object.  Hitting a pothole is a major way in which a motorcyclist, even an experienced one, can sustain disabling and life-long injuries.
  • Inclement weather.  As noted above, motorcycle riders do not have the levels of protection from the elements that other vehicles have.  Severe weather can vastly increase a motorcyclist’s chances of being injured as they can cause accidents arising from poor visibility and slick and hazardous road conditions.
  • Lack of visibility.  Due to the small size and thin shape of motorcycles, they can easily be visibly obscured by other vehicles, weather conditions, trees, or other objects.  This is a particularly large issue at intersections where approximately 70 percent of motorcycle collisions take place.
  • Speed “Wobble” Accidents & manufacturing/design defects.  At higher speeds, the front end of a motorcycle can become unstable and begin to wobble, resulting in a greater risk of a motorcyclist losing control of his or her vehicle.  While some bikes may naturally experience this issue, another possibility is that the manufacturer of the motorcycle is responsible due to manufacturing/design defects.  This is known as a product liability case, which can be serious and result in disabling and fatal injuries.
  • Novice riding skills: A motorcycle takes a lot more skill and coordination than driving a car.  As such, many motorcycle accidents happen simply because the rider lacks the basic skills necessary to safely navigate and maneuver.  An inexperienced rider may also not appreciate all of the risks associated with riding a motorcycle at high speeds or on crowded roadways.

The attorneys at Bailey & Greer, PLLC strongly recommend that all motorists take extra precautions when either on a motorcycle or in the vicinity of one.  If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcyclist accident, contact the experienced Tennessee motorcycle accident attorneys at 901-680-9777 for a free and completely confidential consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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