$33.5 Million Awarded by Memphis Jury for Birth Injuries: Lessons Learned from Jordan’s Case

Recently, a group of Tennessee doctors delayed performing an emergency C-section, resulting in baby Jordan Long sustaining oxygen-deprivation related brain damage.  Moreover, Jordan was also diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a result of the incident, which is a potentially life-threatening and highly disabling medical condition.  In response to this significant medical error, a Memphis jury awarded $33.5 million in damages to the plaintiffs in the case to help them, among other things, afford the costs associated with Jordan’s future medical treatment needs.

With regard to the details of the case, a jury rendered the verdict against Gary Libscomb, MD, and UT Medical Group, his employer, for causing the child’s birth injuries.  According to the facts presented at trial, Jordan had begun to experience fetal distress, yet his doctor failed to perform a cesarean in time to prevent his injuries.  Specifically, the plaintiff’s attorney successfully demonstrated to the court that Jordan should have been delivered as soon as possible following his mother’s arrival at the hospital – a highly critical and otherwise preventable medical error.

As noted above, this mistake caused Jordan to be born with brain damage and a severe form of cerebral palsy known as spastic quadriplegia, which is a significant and highly disabling condition.  Due to the nature of his injuries, Jordan’s ability to use his arms and legs and control his bodily functions is extremely limited.   For several years, defendants denied these allegations but ultimately, they admitted to them at trial.

So often, when a baby experiences fetal distress, a doctor’s decision to act quickly often spares the child of life-long and serious birth injuries/complications. Accordingly, in light of Jordan’s case, it goes without saying that clients are filled with gratitude when they reap the results of hard-fought representation.  Such representation takes preparation, skill, experience, and a sheer determination to win.  While nothing can “right the wrong” that happened to your child, it is never recommended that you don’t take the steps necessary to fight for your rights and hold those accountable for unnecessarily harming your child.   If you are concerned about what caused your child’s birth injury, don’t rely solely on the medical personnel involved in your child’s birth. The information you get may be incorrect or misleading.  In fact, a medical professional who helped perform your child’s birth may know that he or she is responsible for causing your child’s injuries and as such, may fail to be forthcoming with information for fear of liability.  With this in mind, it is crucial to contact an experienced birth injury immediately.

If your child suffered from birth injuries due to medical negligence, the next step to take is to immediately contact an experienced birth injury lawyer to advise you of your legal options.  In Tennessee, the birth injury law firm of Bailey & Greer, PLLC will answer all of your questions. We know the pain, anxiety, and financial hardship a birth injury can cause those who are facing this tragedy. We offer compassion and caring as we handle your case.  Do not hesitate to call us toll free at 901-680-9777 for a free consultation.  If we can help, we will work tirelessly to represent your child, fighting hard for their rights and the compensation you deserve.

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